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The definition of perfectly elastic supply is a supply that can change along with the demand. This means if paper for example is not demanded in large quantities and then all of the sudden is there will be enough paper to supply the demand.

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Q: What is the definition of perfectly elastic supply?
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What are the types of supply elasticity?

Types of elasticity of supply1) Perfectly elastic supply2) Relative elastic supply3) Unitary elastic supply4) Relatively in elastic supply5) Perfectly in elastic supply

What is the mathematical definition of perfectly elastic demand?

If ep = dQ/dP.P/Q = infinity, the demand is perfectly elastic.

What is the definition of perfectly elastic demand?

A perfectly elastic demand is one whos demand curve is a perfectly horizontal line. This means that at the same price for the item, the consumer is willing to buy more and more even at that same price.

Why is world supply curve horizontal?

The world supply curve is considered perfectly elastic.

When does supply curve look like a demand curve?

When supply and demand are perfectly elastic/inelastic

What is the different between Perfectly inelastic supply and inelastic supply?

Perfectly elastic supply curve: The supply of a commodity will be perfectly elastic when its price remain constant but supply changes to any extent.The supply curve will be parallel to x axis.The numerical value of elasticity of supply will be infinity. Perfectly inelastic supply curve: The supply of a commodity will be perfectly inelastic when its supply remain constant but price changes to any extent.The supply curve will be parallel to y axis.The numerical value of elasticity of supply will be zero.

When demand increases and supply is perfectly elastic what will be the effect?

there will be no change in price because as demand will increase supply will also increase.

The total supply of land and other natural resources is what?

The total supply of land and other natural resources is: Perfectly elastic

What are example of product with perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic supply?

Elasticity of supply describes how a product's quantity affects its price. Milk, for example, has an elastic supply - the quantity goes up and the price goes down. Or, as the quantity is limited, the price goes up. Inelastic supply implies that availability does not affect price, such as with airplane flight tickets.

Why is it difficult to judge elasticity of demand or supply if you are merely observing the appearance of a demand or supply curve on a graph?

Because it is basically curved shape, therefore, there are points/areas on the curve where the demand or supply will be elastic and on some other parts be inelastic. At the top of the curve, demand/supply tends to be inelastic and at the bottom of the curve, it tends to be elastic. Obviously, the more you go up the more we reach the perfectly inelastic demand/supply and the further you go down the curve, the more you reach the perfectly elastic demand/supply

How is elastic demand represent graphically?

A perfectly elastic demand is represented on the traditional supply and demand graph with a straight horizontal line. An elastic demand that is not perfect would be represented as any line with a slope between 0 and -1.

What is the difference between price elastic and unit elastic?

Unit elastic - Describes a supply or demand curve which is perfectly responsive to changes in price. That is, the quantity supplied or demanded changes according to the same percentage as the change in price. A curve with an elasticity of 1 is unit elastic.