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The deliberate manipulation of a variable in psychology refers to changing or controlling a specific factor in an experiment to observe its effects on behavior or mental processes. This manipulation allows researchers to investigate causal relationships and determine the impact of the variable on the outcome. By systematically altering the variable, psychologists can study its influence and draw conclusions about the phenomenon being studied.

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Q: What is the deliberate manipulation of a variable in psychology?
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When one variable decreases as a another increases what kind of correlation is that in psychology?

That is a negative correlation in psychology. It means that as one variable goes up, the other variable goes down.

What is the variable that cannot be controlled in an psychology?

The variable that cannot be controlled in psychology is the participant's individual differences, such as personality traits, past experiences, and genetic factors. These variables can influence how participants respond in a study and may impact the results.

What is the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding varieble?

The manipulated variable is the variable that is deliberately changed or controlled in an experiment, while the responding variable is the variable that is observed and measured to see how it changes in response to the manipulation. The relationship between the two is that changes in the manipulated variable are expected to cause changes in the responding variable, allowing researchers to investigate cause-and-effect relationships.

Is psychology dangerous?

It is because you start analyzing yourself and others because you are studying Psychology.

What is an example of a hidden variable in psychology apex?

An example of a hidden variable in psychology is individual differences in personality traits. These traits are not directly observable but can have a significant impact on behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Researchers often use self-report measures or observational methods to indirectly assess these hidden variables.

Related questions

Which variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation?

Dependent Variable

Which variable changes in response to the manipulation of another variable?

The dependent variable changes in response to the manipulation of the independent variable. The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

A factor in an experiment that change from the manipulation of the independent variable is the?

It is the dependent variable.

How are variables influenced by manipulation?

dependent variable

In a experiment the variable that is changed or determined by manipulation of one or more factors?

Dependent Variable

How does the manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allow a scientist to find a cause-and-effect relationship between variable?

The manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allows a scientist to find a cause and effect relationship between variables. This is because the manipulation changes the results and measurements.

If your manipulated variable causes a change what is the change called?

The change is called the dependent variable. It is the variable that is being measured or observed as a result of the manipulation of the independent variable.

What is meant by dependent variable?

The dependent variable is the outcome or response in an experiment that is being measured and analyzed. It is the variable that is expected to change based on the manipulation of the independent variable.

When one variable decreases as a another increases what kind of correlation is that in psychology?

That is a negative correlation in psychology. It means that as one variable goes up, the other variable goes down.

How does the manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allow a scientist to find a cause and effect?

The manipulation of an independent variable during a scientific experiment allows a scientist to find a cause and effect relationship between variables. This is because the manipulation changes the results and measurements.

What is the part of an experiment affected by the independent variable?

The part of an experiment that is affected by the independent variable is the dependent variable. This variable is measured or observed to see how it changes in response to the manipulation of the independent variable.

How do researchers determine which of the variables are dependent or independent?

The variable that you can manipulate in the experiment is always the independent variable. The quantity that changes as a result of your manipulation is the dependent variable.