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the densityof water is 1.03kg/m3 and the density of ice is 9.02kg/m3

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2mo ago

Ice is less dense than water because its molecules are arranged in a more open and ordered structure, causing it to take up more space. When ice melts into water, the molecules become less structured and closer together, resulting in a higher density.

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Q: What is the denisty relationship between ice and water?
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What is phase change of water graph?

The phase change of water graph shows the relationship between temperature and state of water. It includes the three main phases of water: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam). The graph illustrates how water transitions between these phases with changes in temperature and pressure.

Why water expands on solidification?

Water expands on solidification because the hydrogen bonds between water molecules in ice are arranged in a hexagonal structure with more space between the molecules compared to liquid water. This results in a decrease in density and an expansion of volume when water freezes into ice.

Why is ice lighter than liquid water?

Ice is lighter than liquid water because the molecular structure of ice allows for more empty space between molecules, causing it to be less dense. This means that a given volume of ice will weigh less than an equal volume of liquid water, resulting in ice floating on top of water.

Which would melt more ice-a pot of hot water or tub of warm water?

A pot of hot water would melt ice faster than a tub of warm water because the higher temperature difference between the ice and the hot water allows for quicker heat transfer. The hot water has more thermal energy to transfer to the ice, causing it to melt faster.

What changes will happen to a bowl of ice and water kept at exactly zero degree Celsius?

If the bowl of ice and water is kept at exactly zero degrees Celsius, the ice will remain in equilibrium with the liquid water. The ice might slowly melt into water, but at the same rate it will refreeze into ice due to the balance between freezing and melting processes at this temperature.

Related questions

What is the difference between ice and ice water?

The different between ice and water is that ice is solid and water is liquid. Under standard pressure, water exists in the solid form as ice when its temperature is below 0° Celsius (32° F). It exists in liquid form between 0° and 100° Celsius.

What is the difference between ice and water?

Ice is the solid form of water, while water is the liquid form. The main difference between ice and water is the temperature at which they exist: ice is below 0 degrees Celsius and water is above 0 degrees Celsius.

Is there a relationship between the amount of salt and ice?

When salt is applied to ice a chemical reaction occurs in which the melting point is lowered in the ice (therefor it is used in the winter time to melt ice). In all chemical reactions there is a set ration in which the substances will react, so therefor yes, there is a relationship between the amount of salt and ice.

What is phase change of water graph?

The phase change of water graph shows the relationship between temperature and state of water. It includes the three main phases of water: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (steam). The graph illustrates how water transitions between these phases with changes in temperature and pressure.

What temperature does ice melt completely from boiling water?

Ice melt at 0 0C to form liquid water; any link between boiling water and ice melting.

When ice melt to become waterwhich force must be overcome?

The force of attraction between the water molecules in the ice must be overcome in order for the ice to melt and become water. This force is known as the hydrogen bonding between water molecules, which holds the solid ice structure together.

An ice cream vendor made a table showing the relationship between the daily high temperature and the number of ice cream cones sold per day. What is the dependent quantity in this relationship?

The number of ice-cream cones sold per day.

What is the difference between two things?

The difference between two things is what traits or characteristics set them apart; why they are different. For example:Water and IceThe difference between water and ice is that water is a liquid and water is not. Another thing is that ice is very cold and water can be warm.

What is the relationship between salt and ice?

Adding salt to ice lowers its freezing point, causing the ice to melt. This process is called freezing point depression. The salt disrupts the ability of water molecules to form solid ice crystals, resulting in a colder mixture that can be used for freezing-point experiments or making ice cream.

Why energy is needed to melt ice and how this is explained by the structure of ice and water?

Think about how ice melts into water. By adding heat! Heat is a form of energy, and by adding heat, we can change ice to water. This is explained well by the structures of ice and water. Ice is a solid, and its molecules form rigid networks with space between molecules and are not easily broken. Water is a liquid, and its molecules are constantly moving around one another, leaving little space between molecules. Therefore, when heat energy is added to ice, the rigid bonds between molecules in the ice break, and they are free to move like a liquid.

What is the difference between the water from melted ice and the ice itself?

The water from melted ice is in liquid form, while ice itself is in solid form. The water molecules in liquid water have more energy and are able to move more freely compared to the tightly packed ice molecules.

What is that area of water between sheets of drifting ice?
