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18 inches

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Q: What is the depth requirement buried natural gas line?
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Related questions

In the county of Denver how deep does a natural gas line have to be buried?

In an area where freeze is present, 18 " is the minimum depth.

How do you show the depth of a line segment?

A line segment has length. That is its only dimension. It does not have any width, or height or depth.

What is the frost line depth for Afton Wyoming?

The frost line depth for Cheyenne, Wyoming is 36" for foundation.

How deep should wires to an outdoor fountain be underground?

It's not a matter of how deep electrical wire should be buried. The wire should be protected by plastic or metal conduit and marked suitably above ground - buried utility. I am certain that you will be burying a water line to the fountain "below the frost line" for your area, so consider placing you electrical wires at the same depth.

What is the frost depth line in Bannock Ohio?

frost depth in eastern ohio

What is the frost line in afghanistan?

The frost depth level below area's usually not less than 800 mm .

How deep is the frost line for Louisville's KY?

What is the frost line depth in louisville Kentucky

What is thew frost line depth in Ottawa?

The frost line depth for the Ottawa-Montreal area ranges from 1.4m to 1.5m below surface elevation.

Do you measure frost depth line from the top or the bottom of the foundation?

Frost line depth is measured from grade (or lowest surface soil level pursuant to the foundation).

What line on a sea chart connects points on the same depth?

isobathn. line of map passing through all points of equal depth below water.

What is the frost line depth in ct?

The average front line depth in Connecticut is around 42 inches. However, the frost line in northern areas of the state can reach depths of over 50 inches.

What is the frost line depth in NE Penna?
