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A photoelectric to convert light intensity

into a resistance.

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Q: What is the detector in a spectrograph in which spectral lines are recorded photographically?
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The spectrum of a star is called a what?

... a photonic 'fingerprint'. The picture of a star's spectral lines is its photo-spectrograph.

What is a spectrograph-?

An optical instrument that consists of an entrance slit, collimator, disperser, camera, and detector and that produces and records a spectrum. A spectrograph is used to extract a variety of information about the conditions that exist where light originates and along the paths of light. It reveals the details that are stored in the light's spectral distribution, whether this light is from a source in the laboratory or a quasistellar object a billion light-years away.For the source and more detailed information concerning this issue, click on the related links section below.

How do you read spectrograph?

To read a spectrograph, interpret the x-axis as frequency or wavelength, the y-axis as intensity, and the colors or patterns as different spectral lines corresponding to different elements or compounds. Peaks or dips in intensity indicate the presence of specific emissions or absorptions at certain frequencies or wavelengths.

What are some words that contain the root 'spect'?

-inspect -respect -inspection -spectacle -specter -spectacled -spectacular -spectate -spectator -spectatorship -spectinomycin -spectral -spectrofluorometer -spectrogram -spectrograph -circumspect -retrospect -prospect -prospector -inspector -perspective -aspect === ===

What is a use of examining light spectra?

One use of light spectra has an application in astronomy. When looking at distant objects like galaxies, you can tell if they are moving away from you or closer to you. If the spectral light appears blue (blue-shift) it means that the object is moving toward you, if the spectral light is red (red-shift) it means that the object is moving away from you. Another astronomy application is to look at the light from a star through a spectrum and by doing so you can figure out the chemical composition of the star just by the color of its spectrum.

What is spectral evidence?

what is spectral evidence Spectrum (spectral) refers to different frequencies of light associated with a substance.

What is''spectral evidence?

what is spectral evidence Spectrum (spectral) refers to different frequencies of light associated with a substance.

What is Vega spectral class?

The spectral class is A0Va.

What is the spectral class of Antares?

Antares has a spectral class of M1LB.

What spectral class is the sun?

Our Sun has a spectral class of G2V.

What does spectral disturbance mean?

Spectral disturbances means Ghost.

When was Spectral Associates created?

Spectral Associates was created in 1980.