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Q: What is the diction and style of the bean eaters?
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Who wrote The Bean Eaters?

The Bean Eaters was written by Gwendolyn Brooks.

How does Brooks describe the bean eaters?

How does Brooks describe the bean eaters? As "Mostly Good"

The couple in the bean eaters eat with?

The couple in The Bean Eaters live in a rented room and eat with tin flatware. The Bean Eaters is a poem written by Gwendolyn Brooks.

What common characteristics are shared by the narrator of travel and the bean eaters?

The common characteristics that are shared by the narrator of travel and the bean eaters are addiction, obsession, and travel. Both, the narrator of travel and the bean eaters, travel. Both, are addicted and obsessed, one with travel and one with the eating of beans.

The couple in The Bean Eaters eats with what?

anything they can find

The couple in The Bean Eaters eats with?

tin flatwear

The couple in The Bean Eaters lives?

in a rented back room

What is precision diction?

precise diction - a style of speech and writing so far as it concerns the choice of words and phrases

What is love diction?

The word diction means like a style of writing or word use so perhaps love diction is writing about love or using words to represent love.

What is diction in music?

You are probably confusing the term dictation, which is the writing of music, with diction, which is a style of speaking or a choice of words used in conversation.

Which is included in the diction of a story?

The diction of a story refers to the choice of words and language used by the author. It includes both the vocabulary and syntax of the writing, as well as the tone and style conveyed through the language. Good diction can enhance the overall mood and atmosphere of a story, as well as help develop the characters and setting.

What is writing style?

Plain style is writing with simple diction, simple sentence structure, and clear images.