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Nothing - 0, Zero and null are the same things

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Q: What is the difference between 0 and null?
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What is the difference between equals 0 and equals NULL?

NULL is for pointers, 0, for numbers

What is difference between null value and not null value?

Putting it very simply a null value is empty and a not null value contains something.

What is the difference between zero vector and null vector?

They are the same.

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

If the null hypothesis states that there is no difference between the mean income of males and the mean income of females then the test is one-tailed?

Falseà Ha:µM-µF=0 and Ha:µM-µF≠0

What is the difference between null pointer ASCII null character and null string?

A null pointer is a pointer which does not point to any valid memory location, and usually contains the binary value "0" to represent this (this is language dependent). The ASCII null character is a character-sized zero value (in ASCII, it is an unsigned byte with a value of 0), and typically represents the end of a string (esp. as in C and C++). A null string is one that is zero characters of usable string data; in a length-based string, this means the length parameter is set to 0, and in an ASCII null-terminated string, means the first character is set to 0.

What is the difference between array and string of array?

When we declare an array of characters it has to be terminated by the NULL , but termination by NULL in case of string is automatic.

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What is the difference between null in c and in oracle?

A NULL in C is a pointer with 0 value, which cannot be a valid address. A null in Oracle is the condition of not having a value, such as a field in a row being null, meaning that it does not have a value. This is not the same as zero - zero and null are two different things. Note, however, that Oracle does not differentiate between a null and a zero length string. This was an error in non-ANSI implementation made many years ago, but it has persisted because fixing it would impact too much "running" code.

What is the difference between a null pointer and a null macro?

Using a NULL macro to make C portableI'll assume that you're asking your question for C type language programming. A NULL pointer is a pointer that's guarnteed to point to nothing. This may be 0 in a UNIX/Linux system or some other address in another system. Using the NULL macro to set/initialize your pointers will make your programs more portable among systems than using something like the 0.#include char *c = 0; // initialize to NULL--not portablechar *p = NULL; // initialize to NULL as defined in stdio is portableAddendumThe code:char *c = 0;actually is portable because the compiler converts 0's used in a pointer context (cast to a pointer) to the machine's representation of a NULL pointer, which may or may not be all 0 bits. The NULL macro itself might be defined as something like 0 or (void *)0, and both definitions are portable. As a corollary, the following code is also portable:if (!c) {// do something}because it is equivalent to:if (c != 0) {// do something}and the 0 above is converted to a NULL pointer because it is being compared with a pointer.

What is a null macro what is the difference between a null pointer and a null macro?

NULL Macro is simply what is defined as 0 in a macro provided by the libraryNull pointer is a pointer which has 0 or NULL value stored and points to nowhwere still it points to 0x00 i.e. the first memory location of the OSNull pointer != Uninitialized pointer because an uninitialised pointer can point anywhere in the memory location ...but a NULL pointer surely points to no where(but still behind the scene we can say that it only points to 0x00). Never we can retrive a Null pointer location using th"&" operator..neither will malloc/calloc return NULL IF THERE IS SPACE IN THE MEMORY. NULL pointer is unique !!

What is the major difference between the null and alternative hypothesis?

In research, a null hypothesis means that no results will be found. An alternative hypothesis means that results will be found.