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English can be either spoken or written. It is the same language in either case, it is merely being conveyed by a different medium.

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Q: What is the difference between English language and English spoken?
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Vernacular is the common, spoken English as opposed to more formal, written English.

What is the difference between British language and English language?

The English language as it is written and spoken in Britain is called "British English." There is also an ancient British language, called Brythonic, which survives as Welsh and Breton.The English language is the accepted standard language spoken at the time.British language is the various colloquial languages spoken in Britain, there are over 200 distinct british dialects.The standard is currently based on the Oxford English dictionary but is changing daily.

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Cambridge English is a language that includes all the different varieties of the English language. It is the English that is spoken all over the world.

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Aramaic is a language. It is the only language spoken in Aramaic, just as English is the only language spoken in English.

What spoken language is Java based on?

English. Please note that the similary between a computer language and a spoken language is very remote. The keywords in Java are English words, or similar to English words, but that's about all, with respect to similarity.

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There is no Antarctician language. Most scientists speak English, and sometimes French is spoken between scientists when English isn't spoken.

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The difference between the US and Belgium is the language spoken. People in Belgium speak French, while in the US they speak English.

What is the difference between a spoken language difference and a cultural difference?

A spoken language difference is simply when you and another person (say, a patient) do not speak the same language. A cultural difference is where something that is accepted in your culture is not acceptable in another (blood tranfusions are not accepted by Jehovah's Witnesses, for example).

Where is English spoken as second language in some countries?

Where is English spoken as second? English is an official language in the world.

What is the difference between English language and English literature?

English Literature studies and analysis prose, poetry etc.. English Language looks at the theoritical/Linguistic approach to language. i.e. Syntax, Phonology, Semantics & Pragmatics.. It's more to do with the analysis of the actual way in which language is spoken/written, not to do with the way in which it is represented in a novel

What language is mostly spoken aside form English in the US?

The most spoken language is Chinese, then the second most spoken is English, and the third most spoken language is Spanish.

What languages are spoken in Yiddish?

Yiddish is the only language spoken in Yiddish. Just like English is the only language spoken in English.