

Best Answer

I this its the following:


- located between skin and bones, tendons and bones, muscles and bones, or ligaments and bones

- Main function: reduce friction between joints

Joint Capsule

- surrounds a synovial joint and encloses the synovial cavity

- Main function: unite the articulating bones and reduce friction via production of synovial fluid

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Q: What is the difference between a bursa and the joint capsule?
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What is the outermost part of a synovial joint?

A typical synovial joint has a joint capsule, a synovial membrane, synovial fluid, a joint cavity, and articular cartilage. A joint capsule surrounds the joint, supporting and stabilizing it. The synovial membrane is within the joint capsule. This membrane closely surrounds the joint and forms a joint cavity. The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid that lubricates the articular surfaces of the joint. In some joints, the synovial membrane extends outside the joint capsule to form a bursa. The bursa cushions the joint. Bursae are in the knee, elbow, shoulder, and hip. Articular cartilage covers the articular surfaces of synovial joints to prevent excess wear and tear as they move against each other.

What is the difference between neuroma and Capsulitis?

Neuroma is a tumor made of nerve tissue. Capsulitis is inflammation of the joint capsule, typically in the shoulder.

What is the most important and most commonly injured bursa of the shoulder joint?

Subacromial bursa

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What bursa does not belong to the glenohumeral joint?


Where is bursa found near the shoulder area?

Bursitis is a condition in which there is an inflammation of the bursa, which is a sac that is located between muscles or tendons of the shoulder. A cause of shoulder bursitis can be overuse of the shoulder joint. This condition can cause pain.

What is subacrominal bursa and subcoracoid bursa?

The subacromial and subcoracoid bursa are spaces composed of synovium membrane (which generally lines the inside of joint capsules) and synovial fluid a fluid which is found in joint and bursa and is designed to be as frictionless as possible. The subacromial bursa is located above the shoulder joint between the supraspinatus muscle and below the acromiom which comes off the spine of the scapula and may be palpated as the bony apex of the shoulder. This bursa does not communicate with the shoulder joint proper. This is not the case if there is underlying pathology however. The subcoracoid bursa is also called the subscapular bursa. It is in fact a medial continuation of the shoulder joint. In other words it is part of the shoulder joint cavity and sits underneath the coracoid process. The coracoid process is also part of the scapula and can be palpated beneath the lateral (outer part) of the clavicle.

Why is it important for a bursa to be located between movable bones?

A bursa acts as a cushioning and lubricating structure that reduces friction and allows for smooth movement between bones. Having a bursa between movable bones helps to prevent wear and tear on the joint surfaces, decreasing the risk of pain, inflammation, and injury.

How does a bursa differ from a synovial cavity of a joint?

No bone

Lubricating sacs enclosing tendons are what?

That is the bursa in your synovial joint. Bursa lines with the synovial membrane and contains synovial fluid that is used to lubricate the joint when there's movement.

A joint capsule is reinforced by tendons binding articular ends of bones together?

Ligaments are used to bind the articular ends of bones together reinforcing the joint capsule. These can be thickenings in the fibrous layer of the joint capsule or accessory structures that are located outside of the joint capsule.

What is the ligament called found outside a joint capsule?

The accessory ligament is the ligament found outside a joint capsule.