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A fast flowing river is faster

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Q: What is the difference between a gentle stream and a fast-flowing river?
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A river is a large flowing body of water that empties into an ocean, lake, or another river. A tributary is a smaller stream or river that flows into a larger river. Essentially, all rivers are made up of smaller tributaries that contribute to the overall flow of water.

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What is the difference between a stream and a spring?

A stream is water runing along the ground through a trench in a down hill direction. A spring is water coming from under the ground to the surface.

What is difference between a stream and river?

The difference between a river and a stream is the name applied to it by local residents, and relative size. In the same region, something called a river is usually larger than something called a stream. However, something that is called a river in one place could be the same size as something called a stream in another place.

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US = Up Stream invert level DS= Down Stream invert level If detailed on a manhole, the difference being the gradient of pipe in chamber from one end to the other.

What is the difference between binary and character?

binary stream reads data(8-bits) irrespective of encoding, character stream reads two bytes as character and convert into locale stream using unicode standard. binary stream better for socket reading and character stream is better for client input reading

What is the difference between stream water and ocean water?

there is no difference between sea water and ocean water because there the same thing in different words. good guestion though...