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A tracker ball is both a the ball on top of a stationary mouse and a type of a mouse that has a ball on top. A typical mouse is moved over a pad and has the ball directing the cursor on the bottom, but a tracker ball type mouse has the ball on top of a stationary mouse where you direct the cursor by moving the ball with your thumb, FOREFINGER AND MAINLY WITH YOUR PALM. This type of mouse is sometimes called a tracker ball for short and the ball on this type of stationary mouse is also called a tracker ball. [ delete the following:...It is not a good name. What does it track? Nothing that I can tell. Computer terms were assigned by people who wanted to make it confusing, didn't speak English, or were very confused themselves] It would be better explained as follows. '''A tracker ball is both a the ball on top of a stationary mouse and''' [?a type of a mouse that has a ball on top]. '''A typical mouse is moved over a pad and has the ball directing the cursor on the bottom, but a tracker ball type mouse has the ball on top of a stationary mouse where you direct the cursor by moving the ball with your thumb,''' '''forefinger but mostly with the inner aspect of your palm. This type of mouse is used by people with Arthritis or RSI as it saves making the fiddly and speedy movements with the digit joints (which cause some people pain) and directs the cursor by making a round movement after putting your hand over the large glass "tracker" which is on top of the "mouse". I myself was able to work as a secretary doing 100wpm until the age of 59 despite arthritic fingers since my late-40s, because an ERGONOMIC TRACKER MOUSE was recommended and purchased for me by my employers. I can highly recommend the TRACKER MOUSE to anybody - especially to those with arthritic hands and intermittent RSI.''' '''"Tracker Lover"'''

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The trackball can be viewed as a kind of upside-down mouse, allowing for the user to directly manipulate the exposed ball with the thumb, fingers or the palm of the hand. Both mouse and trackballs are used as primary interfaces with a computer system, and they are used to either move a cursor or interact with a video game.A tracker ball is both a the ball on top of a stationary mouse and a type of a mouse that has a ball on top. A typical mouse is moved over a pad and has the ball directing the cursor on the bottom, but a tracker ball type mouse has the ball on top of a stationary mouse where you direct the cursor by moving the ball with your thumb, FOREFINGER AND MAINLY WITH YOUR PALM. This type of mouse is sometimes called a tracker ball for short and the ball on this type of stationary mouse is also called a tracker ball.

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12y ago

ones called a mouse the others called a tracker ball.

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Describe the difference between a mouse and a tracker ball?

A Mouse is important like Yonis and bilal hussain

What are Disadvantages of ball mouse?

Tracker Ball. This device is very similar to a mouse itself in terms of the functions that it performs but there is a difference in the physical appearance. An advantage of the tracker ball is that a finger or the palm of the hand is used to roll the ball in any direction so there is an ease of use in comparison to the mouse where the entire arm has to be used. There are also buttons on the tracker ball which work in the same way as a mouse. An advantage that the trackerball has over the mouse is that it can be used on any surface because the ball is on top of the mouse whereas with a normal mouse an uneven surface may hinder its performance and speed.

How does a tracker ball work?

Tracker Ball: A Trackerball is an Input Device.A tracker ball is a pointing device; it is a mouse lying on its back. To move the pointer, you rotate the ball with your thumb, your fingers, or the palm of your hand. There are usually one to three buttons next to the ball, which you use just like mouse buttons.

Difference between mouse and track ball?

They both do the same job. And on an older mouse it's easy to see the similarities. An older computer mouse would have a ball underneath. Then as you moved the mouse around the ball would roll and the computer would count the rotations. A track ball was basically a mouse turned upside down. Instead of moving the mouse to rotate the ball, you'd move the ball directly with your fingers instead.

What is the difference between a laptop wireless optical mouse and a wireless laser optical mouse?

The laser wireless optical mouse has laser sensors to direct the mouse on the screen as without it is a roll ball used to do so.

How does tracker ball work?

In computing, a track ball is a pointing device, such as the one seen at the bottom of a computer mouse. They work by using sensors to detect the direction in which the user is moving it.

What is the difference between optical and ball mouse?

A basic no-frills optical mouse will usually cost only a few dollars more than a basic no-frills mechanical mouse. There are many mouses on the market however which come with lots of frills, these are usually optical, and may well be very expensive.

What is cue ball tracker?

Ball grabber

What is the first thing to do if your tracker ball mouse responds erratically when you move it across the screen?

Remove the ball, beneath which you will see two roller bars or rods at right angles. Clean the dust or debris from the rods/bars. Replace the ball and use. If it still won't work, reload the mouse driver software.

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What is the difference between cue balls and billards balls?

There is no difference between the cue ball and billiard ball except that the cue ball is white and without significant markings.

What is the difference between a 15 gram ball and a 60 gram ball?

Their difference is that a 15 gram ball is lighter than a 60 gram ball.