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Q: What is the difference between a stellar nebula and a planetary nebula?
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What is the cycle of the stars?

Stellar Nebula - Average Star- Red Giant - Planetary Nebula - White Dwarf Stellar Nebula - Massive Star - Red Super Giant - Super Nova- Neutron Star Stellar Nebula - Massive star - Red Super Giant -Super Nova - Black Hole

What is the difference between a planetery nebula and a nebula?

A cloud in outer space consisting of gas or dust and planetry nebula is one of the types also called ring nebula or A planetary nebula is an emission nebula consisting of a glowing shell of gas

Select the star cycle that is accurate?

Star of one stellar mass, red giant, white dwarf, planetary nebula

What the star life cycle the is accurate?

Star of one stellar mass, red giant, white dwarf, planetary nebula

What is the difference between the Helix Nebula and the Ring Nebula?

The Helix Nebula is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius, while the Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Lyra. The Helix Nebula appears more like a disk or helix shape, while the Ring Nebula appears as a ring or donut shape due to its orientation.

What is the significance of the eskimo nebula?

The Eskimo Nebula, also known as NGC 2392, is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Gemini. It is significant because its distinctive shape resembles a face surrounded by a parka hood, giving rise to its popular name. The Eskimo Nebula is of interest to astronomers for studying the late stages of stellar evolution and the creation of planetary nebulae.

Is planetary nebula a misnomer?

Planetary nebula is a misnomer because it's a nebula but it has nothing to do with planets, it's about stars.

How long does a stellar nebula live for?

A stellar nebula can exist for millions to billions of years, depending on the size and mass of the nebula. These nebulae are the birthplaces of stars and can last until all the matter within them has been used up in the process of star formation.

What is the difference between a nebula and a crab nebula?

The Crab Nebula is a nebula.

What is an example of a planetary nebula?

The Cats's Eye Nebula is a perfect example of a planetary nebula. See related link for a pictorial.

What star sheds a planetary nebula?

A star like our sun will shed a planetary nebula after its 'death'

How are nebula classified?

a nebula is classified by a planetary nebulae