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a tooth with periodontal abscess is vital and does not have caries., presence of pocket, mobility and sensitive to percussion, while a tooth with periapical abscess is generally related with caries , the tooth usually does not shows any pocket

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13y ago
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10y ago

Dental abscesses are are caused by a bacterial infection in the teeth or gums. If a tooth is the source of the infection, it is usually the result of an untreated cavity. A cavity is an infection caused by a combination of carbohydrate-containing foods and bacteria that live in the mouth. The bacteria digest the carbohydrates and give-off an acid waste. This acid essentially eats away the hard enamel of the teeth, and results in tooth decay (or a cavity). If left untreated, the cavity moves deeper into the tooth until it eventually reaches the pulp, infecting the tooth's nerve and blood supply. The abcess is a collection of puss that results from the infection process. A gingival (or "gum") abscess is caused by an infection of the gum. Bone loss from periodontal (gum) disease can cause a pocket or space to form between the tooth, gum and bone. Bacteria and other debris get into the pocket and an abscess can form.
The major symptoms would be pain and swelling

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14y ago

An infected tooth is an abscessed tooth. You need antibiotics quickly so you don't allow the infection to get out of control (sepsis). Sepsis is the infection poisoning the blood stream and infecting the body so severely, it can cause death. See a reputatable dentist, take antibiotics (the full course). If you don't complete the antibiotic therapy, the infection can linger and return resistant to the same antibiotic, requiring more in depth therapy.

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14y ago

The removal of one's wisdom teeth is usually the cause of an abcess, also known as a dry socket. An abcess is extremely painful and can prevent comfortable eating or sleeping. I don't claim to have a DDS, but I do know this much. I hope that helps! :-D Painful teeth are possibly the worst to deal with. I have a wisdom tooth that is almost all the way in as we speak.

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