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About 1.5% DNA, mostly in the speech areas of the brain and throat.

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Q: What is the difference between apes and human?
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What is the difference between Apes and homonins?

Homonins are bipedal apes.

What is the difference between us and apes?

there is no huge difference between us and apes we both think alike and can do almost anything

What the different between monkey and apes?

the difference between monkeys and apes is because, apes don't have tails,and monkeys walk on their palms and apes walk on their knuckles.hope this helped.

Difference between a monkey brain and a apes brain?

monkeys have smaller brain than apes.

What is the difference between a monkey and an ape?

Monkeys have tails but Apes are tailless.

Is there a difference between a chimpanzee and ape?

An ape and a chimp, are in fact, the SAME thing. You see, a chimpanzee is a particular species of animal that fits in a CATEGORY. That category is "apes". There are "apes" and there are "monkeys". Monkeys are smaller and have tails, whereas, the great apes can be huge and they don't have tails. This means that gorillas are apes, chimpanzees are apes, bonobos are apes, and orangutans are apes too. And so are gibbons.

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Did the monkeys get smarter while turning human?

If you are referring to an increase in overall intelligence during the course of evolution then you have mistaken monkeys for apes as the evolutionary source of humanity. Monkeys were monkeys a long time ago, while some apes did evolve into the humans of today. To find a simple difference between them, look for a tail. Monkeys have tails and apes do not.

If we evolved from apes, and apes are animals and we are human. Are apes human or animal Or are humans animal or human?

Humans (Homo sapiens) are a part of the Animal Kingdom, and belong to the order of primates.

What is the difference between apes and gorillas?

A gorilla is an ape. The great apes are Gorillas, Orangutans, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Man.

The major anatomical difference between hominids and the apes is that the foramen magnum is what in hominds?

located at the bottom of the skull

What is the difference between chimpanzees and baboons?

i don't know and i don't care! actually i do care :)