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Assets have of two types

Current Assets

Non-Current/ Fixed Assets

Current Assets are those which company utilizes in one fiscal year for example, material,

Fixed assets are those assets which company utilizes for more than one fiscal year for example, machinery, plant, equipment etc

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Q: What is the difference between assets and fixes assets?
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Is Net worth is the difference between your assets and your liabilities?

Yes - it's the sum of your assets minus the sum of your liabilities.

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The difference between assets and liabilities is called?

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Outstanding assets are assets that are owed to an individual or business. Outstanding liabilities are debts that ill be incurred in the future.

What the difference between current assets vs total assets?

Current assets are assets include assets that will converted into cash or consumed in the current operating period while total assets include all assets regardless of when they will be converted to cash or consumed.

What is the difference between current assets vs total assets?

Current assets are those assets which is usable in current fiscal year while total assets includes assets other then current assets like long term assets as formula showTotal assets = current assets + fixed assets