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Autobiographical memory is a type of episodic memory.

Episodic memory is memory which is tied to a certain time or place. It covers an episode, rather than semantic memory which is just facts not tied to any episode.

Episodic memory can be autobiographical, or experimental. Autobiographical means events in your life. For instance "what did you eat for breakfast this morning?" is autobiographical episodic memory.

The other sort of episodic memory is experimental memory. This is rare, and only really considered in cases of Psychological experiments. It involves someone learning something semantically (for instance, a list of words) which then becomes episodic as the person ties the information to the specific episode of processing the words for the experiment.

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Autobiographical memory refers to the memory of specific events and experiences that have occurred in one's own life, including personal details and emotions associated with those events. Episodic memory is a type of autobiographical memory that specifically pertains to the recollection of personal experiences and events in a specific time and place. In essence, autobiographical memory is a broader category that includes episodic memory within it.

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When you see a movie and remember the story because it had meaning to you you are using the memory?

You are using episodic memory to recall the details of the movie's storyline that resonated with you personally. Episodic memory is a type of long-term memory that involves remembering specific events or episodes from your life. In this case, the movie's story holds a special meaning for you, making it easier for you to recall and remember it.

In psychology how is episodic memory different from semantic memory?

Episodic memory refers to our ability to remember specific events or experiences from our lives, such as a birthday party or a vacation, including the time and place where the event occurred. Semantic memory, on the other hand, involves the recall of general knowledge and facts that are not tied to a specific event, such as knowing that Paris is the capital of France.

When you remember a story your psychology teacher told you about children growing up and you especially remember how your teacher told me and what you thought of the story you are using your what?

Episodic memory

Do people with superior autobiographical memory has high IQ?

Having superior autobiographical memory does not necessarily correlate with having a high IQ. While some individuals with this ability may also have high intelligence, the two traits are not directly linked. Superior autobiographical memory involves unique brain functioning related to memory recall, whereas IQ measures overall cognitive ability across various domains.

When you remember a story your psychology teacher told you about children growing up and you especially remember how your teacher told me and what you thought of the story you are using your?

episodic memory- apex

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You are using episodic memory, which involves remembering personal experiences and events that are unique to you. This type of memory is typically tied to specific emotions and contextual details.