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Q: What is the difference between billiard balls cue balls and snooker balls?
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What is difference between billiard and snooker?

Billiards there are 3 balls on the table, no pockets. Snooker, 6 pockets, 22 balls on the table.

What is the difference between a pool table and a billiard table -?

a pool table has balls but billard table has balls to play i would reccommed the pool table

What is the difference between cue balls and billards balls?

There is no difference between the cue ball and billiard ball except that the cue ball is white and without significant markings.

What is a billiard?

A billiard is a shot in billiards or snooker in which the cue ball strikes two other balls. It also refers to a cardinal number, 10 to the power of 15, or one thousand billion.

How man balls on billiard table?

BILLIARDS, or SNOOKER? Billiards only uses 3 ball's, 2 white (one with a spot on) and 1 red. SNOOKER has 15 reds, and six COLOURED balls. (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, and black.

Is there any value in antique snooker balls?

I collect antique snooker balls and billiard balls. The value could be from as little as $20 USD for pre-WWII balls up to about $1000. The value is in any unique designs or materials. you can email me pics and i can give you a value. thanks

15r on an st?

15 Red Balls on a Snooker Table (Red Balls)

How many red balls used in a game of snooker?

15 red snooker balls.

How many grey balls are in a snooker game?

There are no grey balls in a standard game of snooker.

How many balls do they use in billiard?

16 balls

Where was the first billiards table made?

A core phenolic center is made that is not of high tolerance. Then, at least 2 additional layers are built up over the core, each of better tolerance. In most cases, only the outer layer has the color and design. The exact material, method and number of layers varies from type to type. There is a reason one set may cost $160 and another only $60, and it generally is assocaited with the effort and tolerance.

What is this ditloid 15RBOAST?

15 Red Balls On A Snooker Table