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Best Practice : Use both The Cons of using one or the other : With client side validation only, if a user disables JavaScript, then no validation will occur. With server side validation only, there are more return trips to the server which in turns uses more resources and slows down the site when a client side script could have done the validation without the server. The Pros of having both : The data will always be validated, whether or not the client has JavaScript enabled or not. There will be less server strain with the client side validation. The client can fix form errors faster with instant client side notifications. The data will have a bit more integrity going through the dual validation process.

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When you access a website, your computer acts as a client. It is like a client to a business - it requests services, and the person on the other end of the communication, the server, renders these services (in this case handing you a web page to load).

During this communications process, the server may need to do something with the data before it passes it on to you. Any code that is doing this is being done on the server, so it is a server side language. However, code that executes on your machine, after you receive the data, is client side code.

Examples of common server side languages are PHP, ASP, and CGI. Some even use C++, Java, etc to run server side code. They usually do things such as check if you're logged in to the website, and if you are, find your personalized information and put that in the page.

Examples of client side languages are HTML, Javascript, CSS, et al. These languages manipulate the data after it's been loaded, by doing things such as rendering and changing elements on the screen, asking the server for more information when you click a link, etc.

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12y ago

Client side validation means the validation of a piece of data is executed on the client's machine, while the server side validation means that the data is sent to server side first, then the validation is carried out.

This would need some examples to put the terms in context. Client side validation, for most of the software that runs on a PC without network or internet connection, if there is any validation, there is no distinguish of "client" or "server", because they are the same (the PC).

But for internet (not limited to this, it could be network, 2 iPads) connections for example, let's say the web page ask you to provide a password entry. The validation of the password entry may occur on both client side and server side. The client side (your internet browser on your PC) validation may use JavaScript to check the length of the password string (not the content of the string) to see if it exceeds a certain length (e.g., minimum of 6 characters). If yes, then the data is sent to server side to be validated (the entered value against the registered value). That server maybe at the other side of the globe.

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12y ago

Client-side scripting runs on the user's computer, and is typically used for animations, client-side validation, and other types of dynamic pages. Server-side scripting runs on the server (NOT on the user's computer), and is typically used for things like credit card processing or accessing and updating a database. In other words, whatever "side" the code is running on is the only "side" that will be directly influenced by the code, although many interactions require both client-side and server-side scripting, such as web-based games, advanced shopping carts/merchant sites, and so on.

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12y ago

Client-side code runs on the browser when the page is loaded. It can be easily manipulated with web developer tools. Server-side code runs on the server before the page is sent to the browser. Manipulating this code is more difficult, as it requires access to the server's file system.

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Is HTML scripting language or web application?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is not a scripting language or a web application. It is a markup language used for structuring content on the web. HTML provides the basic building blocks for web pages, defining elements and their arrangement, but it doesn't have the dynamic functionality of scripting languages or applications.

What client side programming?

As far as web programming is concerned, client side programming is code that runs in the web browser, rather than the web server. JavaScript is an example of client side scripting because the code is sent to the browser, at which point it is executed. PHP is an example of server side scripting because the code is executed on the server, and the resulting code is sent to the browser and displayed.

Name two languages which are used for client side scripting?

Two different client side scripting languages are JavaScript and VBScript.Scripting languages are not compiled and run on the client machine (in most cases, the web browser.)There are several currently in use. The most popular is JavaScript. It's a prototype-based, object oriented language, with a Java or C-like syntax.Microsoft has also produced a competing language called VBScript. VBScript has a syntax based off of Microsoft's Visual Basic programming language. It's used in Active Server Pages, and as the Windows Script Host language, used by sys-admins.

What are client side and server side scripting?

Client side scripting is a script, (ex. Javascript, VB script), that is executed by the browser (i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.) that resides at the user computer. Server side scripting, (ex. ASP.Net, ASP, JSP, PHP, Ruby, or others), is executed by the server (Web Server), and the page that is sent to the browser is produced by the serve-side scripting. So when a server sends out a page, it executes server-side scripts, but does not execute client-side scripts. Once the browser receives the page, it executes the client-side scripts. Server side scripting can connect to databases that reside on the web server or another server reachable from web server. Client side scripting cannot do that. Server side scripting can access the file system that reside at the web server, client side cannot. Server side scripting can access settings belong to Web server while client side cannot. Client side scripting can access files and settings that are local at the user computer. Client side scripting consumes cycles from user's computer not web server one, while server side scripting consumes cycles form web server one.

Why do you need different scripting for client and server side?

Partly because the available scripting languages are different: JavaScript runs primarily in the browser, which server side languages like PHP, JSP, Ruby on Rails etc. cannot do.Partly because the tasks are different: The server may do things like database lookup, reading/writing files and user authentication that would be either impossible or very insecure to do in a browser.That said, there are a number of tasks that can be done either on the client or the server, like generating the HTML for the page.There are also a couple of tasks that are commonly done both places, like form validation - on the client to give quick feedback and on the server to ensure that what is submitted is actually safe and valid. (An attacker could easily skip any browser validation and submit illegal values.)If you wish to share as much code between client and server as you can, server side JavaScript exists, so it is possible to use the same language both places. There will still be different scripting, as there are tasks that can only be done on the server.See related link for some server side JavaScript options.

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Can you write multiple scripting languages in a single page?

Yes. In fact this is fairly common. For example, using in the same web page a client scripting language such as JavaScript and a Server Scripting Language, such as ASP.NET or PHP.

What are the two types of scripting language?

In web programming you have: - Server side scripting: using languages like PHP, Ruby, ASP or JAVA - Client side scripting: usually meaning JavaScript, although there are others

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Client-Side- JavaScript, ECMAScript Server-Side- PHP

Difference between JSP and JAVA Script?

Hi, 1. JSP is a server side scripting while Javascript is as client side scripting language. 2. JSP also connects with database to fetch up the records from the database while javascript can be used for validate the code on client side.

What is client-side scripting language?

A server-side scripting language is one that resides on the server. Whereas client-side scripting happens inside the users browser, after they've downloaded the code, server-side languages work before the file is sent from the server. Server-side languages tend to deal with more "heavy lifting" than client side. They retrieve records from databases, maintain state over the stateless HTTP connection, and do a lot of things that require more security than JavaScript alone can provide. Because they reside on the server, these programs never have their source code exposed to the user. JavaScript source code must be available to the client by definition. Some server-side languages are: C, PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaServer Pages, ColdFusion, ASP, and Perl.

How do you add HTML5 Geolocation results to a PHP form?

There is no such thing as a PHP form. Forms are written in HTML or other client side scripting languages.

What is the correlation between theW3C and HTML?

The W3C write the standards for writing web-pages. Web Pages on a user side are always Client-Side and HTML is a Client Side scripting language hence most of their standards are based around HTML and other client-side scripting.

Is HTML scripting language or web application?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is not a scripting language or a web application. It is a markup language used for structuring content on the web. HTML provides the basic building blocks for web pages, defining elements and their arrangement, but it doesn't have the dynamic functionality of scripting languages or applications.

What the definition of internet programming?

AnswerThe client server communication established with the help of scripting and markup languages following all the communication protocols and transmission protocols can be defined as internet programming.

What is the difference between Client and member?

client is share to data storage in server

Why is PHP superior to Client side scripting languages such as Javascripting?

Website scripts run in one of two places - the client side or the server side.Client side development is done almost exclusively in JavaScript. This is, in addition to basic HTML and CSS code.So This is the main Reson Javascript is called Client Side scripting language. For Serverside PHP is used,Because PHP is used for development the Dynamically Website. And PHP Need atlist one serve.

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