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Q: What is the difference between conduct and conduction?
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What is the relationship between size of nerve and conduction velocity?

For unmyelinated nerves there is a relationship between axon diameter and conduction velocity. Larger diameter nerves conduct faster. For myelinated nerves the a larger diameter nerve will conduct faster between the nodes of ranvier where the action potential is propagated. Conduction is said to be saltatoryas it jumps from node to node.

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of Conduct

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How does conduction conduct heat?

Conduction heat moves by using movement of fluids.

What is the difference between conduction and heat?

Heat is a form of energy. Conduction is a method by which heat moves from one location to another.

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What is the difference between conduction and convection a 5th grade answer please?

Conduction occurs in solids and liquids but not gases. Convection occurs in gases and liquids.

What is the difference between conduction convection and thermal energy?

Conduction and convection are two ways in which thermal energy is transferred, the third way is by radiation.

What is the difference between emitter and conductor?

A: BIG DIFFERENCE emitting is the study of electronics conduction is the study of current flow

In order for heat to be transferred between two objects by conduction?

Two objects must be touching and it has to transfer heat

What is the difference between conduct and behavior?

Conduct refers to how someone carries oneself and the way they act in various situations, often reflecting their character and values. Behavior, on the other hand, encompasses specific actions and reactions exhibited by an individual in response to different stimuli or situations. Conduct is more overarching and can be seen as a pattern of behavior, while behavior refers to individual actions or responses.