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Q: What is the difference between conventional research and participatory research?
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What is conventional planning?

Conventional Planning is a type of planning that does not require participation of as many key stakeholders as Participatory Planning does. Conventional planning tends to be Linear, while Participatory Planning is largely Strategic. Foreseen potential pitfalls and working towards mitigating them.

What is the conventional research?

Conventional research refers to the traditional approach of conducting research using established methods and protocols. This typically involves following a structured process of defining research questions, collecting data, analyzing findings, and drawing conclusions based on established research paradigms and methodologies.

What is the difference between feminist research and conventional social research?

there is no hierarchical power relationship between researcher and respondent in Feminist Research. feminist research analyze the variable in feminist perspective.

Difference between traditional research and Participatory Action Research?

Traditional research is typically conducted by researchers who collect data from participants and analyze it to generate knowledge. Participatory Action Research (PAR) involves collaboration between researchers and participants, who work together to address a particular issue or problem, with the goal of creating actionable solutions and bringing about social change. PAR values the expertise and knowledge of all stakeholders involved.

What is the difference between applied research and action research?

Applied research focuses on solving practical problems through the application of existing knowledge and theories, while action research involves engaging stakeholders in identifying issues, taking action, and reflecting on the outcomes to drive change and improvement. Action research is more collaborative, participatory, and iterative compared to applied research.

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Difference between conventional and non conventional resource of energy?

The difference between conventional and non conventional energy resources is that conventional energy resources are much more common. An example of a conventional energy resource would be oil, a non conventional energy resource would be solar power.

What is the difference between unconventional and non-conventional?

There is no difference between unconventional and non-conventional. You can use both either of these words to reference something that is not considered the norm.

Difference between Research and Development Project Management and conventional Project Management?

R&D Project Management is characterized by using (almost always) an iterative approach. Conventional Project Management is not restricted to any approach/methodology.