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Debt is the total amount of money that a country (or company) owes. Deficit is the amount that a country (or company) loses each year.

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Q: What is the difference between debt and deficit?
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How do you calculate nominal deficit?

nominal deficit is the deficit determined by looking at the difference between expenditures and receipts.real deficit: nominal deficit - (inflation x total debt)

How much has obama contributed to the deficit?

He has more than doubled in a bit over three years to what Bush had in eight. __ Whoever wrote the refutation to ANSWERS' answer on this question doesn't know the difference between the debt and the deficit! The debt is money we didn't have, so we borrowed it. The DEFICIT, in contrast, is the numerical difference between what is spent and what is earned.

What is the difference between the National debt and the budget deficit?

Budget deficit is how much we spend per year over what we take in from taxes. National debt is the total amount the nation owes (the deficits added together).

What is the difference between the federal dept and the federal deficit?

the debt is 15 trillion the defict is what they need to break even

Why deficit matters?

Because "deficit" means debt. If you are in debt you are in trouble.

How does deficit financing add to public debt?

deficit financing adds to public debt because it is regularly spending more than it takes in each year-and then borrows to make up the difference.

What is the difference between deficit and public dept?

The annual deficit is the amount of money the government is losing every year: basically, how much it spends beyond what it makes. The national debt is the sum of all the annual deficits combined.

How does deficit financing add to the public debt?

deficit financing adds to public debt because it is regularly spending more than it takes in each year-and then borrows to make up the difference.

What is the deficit always than the public debt?

The deficit is always smaller than the public debt.

What is the difference between the national debt and the federal deficit?

national debt- total amount of money the federal government has arrowed and has yet to pay back. the national debt is how much the economy//government//we owe back. yet will still be paid. federal deficit- a short fall between the amount of revenue the government takes in and the amount it spends. federal deficit will not be paid back. but the amount of money the economy//government//we owe. they will never see the money because it just keeps getting spent.

What is the difference between a surplus and a deficit?

A surplus is more than needed, a deficit is a shortage or loss

What does a budget deficit do to the national debt?

The debt increases.