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the joint which joins palm with hand is wrist and elbow is the hinge joint in middle of the hand.

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Q: What is the difference between elbow and wrist joints?
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Where is the forearm located?

The forearm is the part of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist. It contains two bones: the radius and ulna. The forearm is responsible for movements like flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers.

What are the intermediate joints?

Intermediate joints refer to joints that are located between the proximal and distal joints in a limb. They help to provide flexibility and allow for a greater range of motion in the limb. Examples include the elbow joint in the arm and the knee joint in the leg.

Names of the different types of anatomical joints?

Some types of anatomical joints include ball-and-socket joints (like the hip joint), hinge joints (like the elbow joint), pivot joints (like the joint between the first two vertebrae), and gliding joints (like the joints in the wrist).

What kind of joint is in the forearm?

A pivot joint is found at the elbow. The forearm is between the elbow and the wrist and so has two main joints. One at the elbow and one at the wrist. The other at the wrist is a gliding joint.

What joints should also be splinted if it is an open fracture between the wrist and elbow?

In addition to the wrist and elbow, the joints that should also be splinted for an open fracture in that area would include the shoulder. This is to immobilize the entire arm and prevent any further injury or damage during transportation to medical care.

Which has greater mobility hip joints shoulder joints elbow joints knee joints or wrist joints?

Shoulder joints have the greatest mobility among the options listed. They have a wider range of motion compared to hip, elbow, knee, and wrist joints, allowing for movements in multiple directions such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation.

Four joints how they move and examples of where they are found in your bodies?

elbow, wrist, shoulder, knee

Which is more distal to the elbow the wrist or hoof?

The hoof is more distal to the elbow compared to the wrist. The hoof is at the end of the leg, while the wrist is closer to the elbow in the forearm region.

What joints are used in a tennis serve?

The main joints used in a tennis serve are the shoulder, elbow, and wrist. The shoulder generates the power and range of motion needed, the elbow helps in extending the arm for acceleration, and the wrist provides flexibility and control over the racquet. Coordination among these joints is crucial for a powerful and accurate serve.

What joints are used in the up phase of a push up?

During the up phase of a push-up, the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints are primarily used. The shoulder joint helps in pushing the body up, the elbow joint extends the arms, and the wrist joint provides stability and support.

What is the space called between your elbow and wrist?

The space between the elbow and wrist is called the forearm. It contains bones like the radius and ulna, as well as muscles that control movement of the hand and wrist.

Why is a wing like a human arm?

Because it has comparable joints - like the shoulder, elbow and wrist.