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one erases pencil marks and the other erases pen ink

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Q: What is the difference between ink erasers and pencil erasers?
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Why do erasers have two sides?

If you mean the erasers that have a soft side and a hard side, it is because the soft side is designed to erase lead or graphite from a pencil and the hard side is for erasing ink.

How do erasers erase?

Erasers pick up graphite particles, thus removing them from the surface of the paper. Basically, the molecules in erasers are 'stickier' than the paper, so when the eraser is rubbed onto the pencil mark, the graphite sticks to the eraser preferentially over the paper. Some erasers damage the top layer of the paper and remove it as well. Erasers attached to pencils absorb the graphite particles and leave a residue which needs to be brushed away. This type of eraser can remove the surface of the paper. Soft vinyl erasers are softer than the erasers attached to pencils, but are otherwise similar.

What would happen if the spotting line and positions were marked on the plate with a ballpoint pen?

The ink in the pen may also dissolve and contaminate your results. Pencil should be used.

Is a pen a solid liquid or gas?

The plastic coating of the pen is a solid, the INK inside, that shows what you wrote is a liquid, and there is no gas what-so-ever.

What is difference between cause and consequence?

A cause is the reason why something happened. A consequence is the result of an action. For example: The cause of the stain on his shirt was that his pen leaked ink all over it. The consequence of forgetting to put the cap on his pen was that it leaked all over his shirt.