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Intramolecular forces are occured in ONE molecule whereas intermolecular forces are occured between molecules.

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Q: What is the difference between intra-molecular bonding and inter-molecular interactions?
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What is the difference between an intermolecular and an intramolecular bond?

intERmolecular means between molecules IntRAmolecular means within A molecule.

What is the difference between intermolecular forces and intramolecular bonds?

Intermolecular forces are based on electrostatic attraction and/or polarisation phenomena. Intramolecular bonds involve covalent bonds, polar or non-polar.

Is intramolecular hydrogen bonding strong or inter molecular?

Strong. Not intermolecular, because intramolecular means within a molecule, while intermolecular means between molecules.

Is the OH covalent bond in methanol intramolecular or intermolecular?

the OH covalent bond in methanol is intramolecular because its occurring within the molecule, where as intermolecular is between the molecules.

What does the WORD intermolecular mean?

Intermolecular describes the interactions between separate molecules.

Which type of force is stronger intramolecular or intermolecular force?

Intermolecular forces are the forces between molecules which hold two or more of them together; intramolecular forces happen inside of the molecule, & are the forces holding the atoms together witch form the molecule.

What are inter and intra molecular bond?

Intra-molecular bonding ocuurs between atoms of the single large molecule ,where the inter-molecular bonding occurs between molecules ..

Is the attraction between sodium chloride and water a intermolecular force of an intramolecular bond?

its basically the hydrogen bonding mainly responsible for this attraction.

What are the intermolecular forces between c3h7oh?

hydrogen bonding, dipole dipole interactions

Is the bonds that cause gaseous Cl2 to become liquid when cool intramolecular or intermolecular?

Intermolecular because intermolecular forces occur between molecules, not within the same molecule. Specifically the forces are London dispersion forces, due to the interaction of instantaneous dipoles.

Is hydrogen bonding is a type of bonding or not?

Hydrogen bonding is a type of intermolecular force of attractionAdded:This is between molecules.It is not as strong as chemical bonding within molecules (intramolecular) though.

What regions are a hydrogen bond a weak attraction between?

Hydrogen bonds are the strongest intermolecular bond, as opposed to intramolecular bonds (ionic, covalent and metallic). They are therefore comparatively weak (these are what is broken when a substance becomes gaseous). Intermolecular bonds exist, as the name suggests, between molecules.