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the high school are big kids that is almost going to collage and middle school has a long way to go

*Everyone is more themselves in high school. In middle school you will most likely jump around in friends and everyone is going to try to be the exact same. I am a freshmen in high school and comparing it was so weird. On the first day their were goths, preppy kids and everything. I feel like people don't get judged as much because everyone is so different. I think you are more comfortable in high school.

Lastly, there is A LOT more freedom and i think more WORK.

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Anyways, back to your question, and I can answer it.

There are some differences, but not many.

Mainly, teachers will expect you to take responsibility for your actions. If you are late on homework, expect a lower grade. Now this doesn't mean you should not talk to your teacher if there is a reasonable excuse for why you were late or did not turn in an assignment. Just make sure that you are upfront and honest as soon as possible, otherwise they will feel you are just making excuses.

In high school, you want your teacher to know you. Once you apply for college you will need teacher recommendations. Don't "suck up" to a teacher, but let them know you. Ask questions, go in for help, participate in class. If they do not see you doing these things, it will be hard for them to give a true view of who you are to colleges (they may even decide not to write a recommendation if they feel they do not know you enough).

I do not know what type of middle school you went to or how difficult it was. Those were my two main changes though. In middle school I didn't really try to let my teachers know me, but in high school its important. Also being held responsible for your actions and school work was a huge change. In middle school, teachers tend to "baby" students a bit. My high school had a zero tolerance for late work... which meant, if you didn't turn it in when it was due, you just got a zero. Also projects were expected to be turned it even if you were at home sick (the school expected me to find someone to turn it in for me like a friend or parent). Now, there are circumstances that teachers will understand if these things happen, but you need to make sure to talk to them.

Friends - well lets just say you get to meet a lot of new people. My school had 2500 kids and I didn't know everyone there. I just met a lot of new people though and whoever I got along with a hung out with. My school did have groups, but groups are not necessarily a bad thing. You just have to be confident in who you are. Hang out with who you like... don't try to be cool. Trying to be cool will generally just make you not cool.

Hope this helps...

2010 November 21 Sunday

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