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The hypothesis is your guess of what will happen with the experiment before you do it. Observation is watching the experiment as it is being performed and observing what is taking place.

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Q: What is the difference between observation and hypothesis?
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What is the difference between an obseration and a hypothesis?

An Observation is an account of what actually happened whilst a Hypothesis is what you think will happen

What is the difference between an observation hypothesis and theory?

A hypothesis is an 'educated guess' based on observation and common sense. A theory is a commonly-accepted hypothesis that has held under the pressure of testing by many different scientists.

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Sophisticated inductivism involves constructing theories based on empirical data while acknowledging the role of background knowledge and scientific principles. Naive inductivism, on the other hand, relies solely on observations to form generalizations without considering underlying assumptions or potential biases. Sophisticated inductivism is more reflective and acknowledges the complex interplay between data and theory.

What is the difference between observation infferrence and prediction?

Observation is the act of noticing and recording something that has been directly perceived. Inference involves making logical conclusions based on observations and prior knowledge. Prediction is a statement about what will happen in the future based on observations, inferences, and patterns.

What steps are involved in drawing in a conclusion?

1)initial observation 2)hypothesis 3)experiment 4)observation and analysis of data Between-hypothesis not supported New hypothesis New experiment New. Observation 5)Interpretation 6)Final hypothesis supported

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a working hypothesis?

The difference is that working hypothesis is that your still working on it but the hypothesis that your not working on it.

What should a hypothesis be based on?

An unexplained observation between cause and effect.

What is difference between a hypothesis and a scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis has to be testable.

How is an observation used to form a hypothesis?

An observation are used to form hypothesis by forming a question of which the observation and then answering it accurately.

An explanation of observation?

"a hypothesis is a tentative answer to some quesion." (essential biology:third edition)

What is the difference between an explanation and an observation?

difference between an observaton and explanation