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n (pl paths) 1. a road or way, esp a narrow trodden track

2. a surfaced walk, as through a garden

3. the course or direction in which something moves, the path of a whirlwind

4. a course of conduct, the path of virtue

5. computing, the directions for reaching a particular file or directory, as traced hierarchically through each of the parent directories usually from the root; the file or directoryand all parent directories are separated from one another in the path by slashes


n 1. a manner, method, or means, a way of life, a way of knowing

2. a route or direction, the way home

3. a means or line of passage, such as a path or track, (in combination) waterway

4. space or room for movement or activity (esp in the phrases make way, in the way, out of the way)

5. distance, usually distance in general, you've come a long way

6. a passage or journey, on the way

7. characteristic style or manner, I did it in my own way

8. (often plural) habits; idiosyncrasies, he has some offensive ways

9. an aspect of something; particular, in many ways he was right

10. a street in or leading out of a town, (capital when part of a street name) Icknield Way

11. something that one wants in a determined manner (esp in the phrases get or have one's (own) way)

12. the experience or sphere in which one comes into contact with things (esp in the phrase come one's way)

13. (informal) a state or condition, usually financial or concerning health (esp in the phrases in a good (or bad) way)

14. (informal) the area or direction of one's home, drop in if you're ever over my way

15. movement of a ship or other vessel

16. a guide along which something can be moved, such as the surface of a lathe along which the tailstock slides

17. (plural) the wooden or metal tracks down which a ship slides to be launched

18. a course of life including experiences, conduct, etc, the way of sin

19. by the way (sentence modifier) in passing or incidentally

20. by way of, via, serving as, by way of introduction, in the state or condition of, by way of being an artist

21. each way, (of a bet) laid on a horse, dog, etc, to win or gain a place

22. give way, to collapse or break down, to withdraw or yield

23. give way to, to step aside for or stop for, to give full rein to (emotions, etc)

24. go out of one's way, to take considerable trouble or inconvenience oneself

25. have a way with, to have such a manner or skill as to handle successfully

26. have it both ways, to enjoy two things that would normally contradict each other or be mutually exclusive

27. in a way, in some respects

28. in no way, not at all

29. lead the way, to go first, to set an example or precedent

30. make one's way, to proceed or advance, to achieve success in life

31. on the way out (informal) becoming unfashionable, obsolete, etc, dying

32. out of the way, removed or dealt with so as to be no longer a hindrance, remote, unusual and sometimes improper

33. pay one's way → pay 9

34. see one's way, see one's way clear, to find it possible and be willing (to do something)

35. under way, having started moving or making progress

adv 1. (informal) at a considerable distance or extent, way over yonder, very far, they're way up the mountain

2. (informal) by far; considerably, way better

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