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Respiration is the process of generating energy from food molecules, usually involving the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. Breathing, on the other hand, is the physical act of inhaling and exhaling air to bring oxygen into the lungs and remove carbon dioxide. Breathing is a component of respiration but respiration involves more complex biochemical processes.

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Q: What is the difference between respiration and explain the difference between respiration and breathing?
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Explain how the need for energy is the driving force of the oxygen cycle?

The need for energy drives organisms to carry out cellular respiration, which uses oxygen to produce energy in the form of ATP. This consumption of oxygen by organisms in respiration is a key process in the oxygen cycle. Without this demand for oxygen to produce energy, the cycling of oxygen between the atmosphere and living organisms would not occur at the same rate.

Is breathing an endothermic or exothermic reaction?

Breathing is an exothermic reaction. To explain clearly, during digestion food particles break down into smaller particles. These turn into glucose, this glucose combines with the oxygen present in the cell and provides energy. The special name of this reaction is respiration. It releases heat so it is an exothermic reaction.

What is the difference between an aromatic resin and an aliphatic resin?

Aromatic resins contain aromatic rings in their chemical structure, while aliphatic resins do not. Aromatic resins generally have higher thermal stability and UV resistance compared to aliphatic resins, which are known for their flexibility and compatibility with a wide range of materials.

What is the difference between prescribe and describe?

"Prescribe" means to recommend or order a specific treatment or course of action, often in a medical context. "Describe" means to explain or represent something in words, providing details or characteristics to convey its nature or appearance.

Explain the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid.?

A strong acid completely dissociates in water to release H+ ions, resulting in a high concentration of H+ ions in solution. A weak acid only partially dissociates in water, leading to a lower concentration of H+ ions in solution. This difference in dissociation behavior affects the acidity of the solution and the pH level.

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Explain the relationship between the processes of breathing and respiration?

Breathing is the process of air moving in and out of the lungs. Respiration is the movement of oxygen from the air into cells within tissues of the body; along with the movement of carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body to the air outside the body.

Explain the difference between breathing and respiration?

Breathing brings in oxygen, which is usually necessary for cellular respiration, in your lungs. Holt Science Book Respiration is the release of energy from food, usually sugar. It is a chemical reaction which takes place inside all living cells. Breathing is the process by which air is drawn into and out of the lungs. When air is in the lungs, oxygen is taken into the body. The oxygen is then used during respiration to 'burn' the food, releasing its energy. When food burns, it produces waste carbon dioxide. This CO2 is passed out of the body from the lungs when we breathe out. So, respiration and breathing are connected, but they are not the same thing. Unfortunately, some people do still use the two words to mean the same thing. Also, the breathing system is also called the respiratory system. Just to make it worse, giving someone a kiss is called artificial respiration, instead of artificial breathing! Breathing is sometimes divided into two stages: ventilation (the movement of air in and out of the lungs) and gas exchange (the absorption of oxygen from the lungs and the release of CO2 into the lungs). One last complication: breathing is sometimes called 'external' respiration, and respiration is sometimes called 'internal' or 'cellular' respiration, there is also aerobic and unaerobic respiration... See:

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