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Q: What is the difference between solar energy and hydrogen?
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What is the difference between solar energy and wind energy?

The difference between solar energy and wind energy is that solar energy comes from the sun and is in the form of waves. However they are both renewable energy resources.

What is the difference between solar energy and biomass energy?

solar energy uses the sun and biomass uses waste to make energy

What the difference between the solar cell and detector?

The main difference between the solar cell and detector is that the cell stores the energy, while the detector directs the energy towards the cell.

What is the difference between light energy and solar energy?

solar e. = from sunlight light energy = from any, even artificial light

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What is the difference between a solar panel and a ground pump?

solar panels get energy from the sun and ground pumps get energy from turning water.

What is the difference between global warning and solar energy?

global warming is because of pollution and solar power can prevent that energy is good because it does not pollute

What is the energy coming from the sun?

Hydrogen. It is really helium, but it converts it. So it is hydrogen.

What is the difference between solar and cellular energy?

Solar energy is the primary source of energy for life on Earth. Cellular energy is contained in bonds found in molecules within cells.

Why do you have solar energy input difference between London and Accra?

Due to their differing latitudes.

What is one difference between a solar cell for electricity and using a windmill?

Solar cells do not convert kinetic energy to electricity

Is there any difference between solar and artificial light?

Yes, solar light gets energy from the sun which uses less energy than artificial light. Also, solar lights don't run out of energy.