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Stratification results in sedimentary rock due to the deposition of organic and inorganic particles. Foliation is a texture in metamorphic rocks which is a result of heat and pressure, and results in constituent minerals appearing banded or lamellar, due to realignment.

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Q: What is the difference between stratification and foliated rocks?
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What is difference between a foliated and an unfoliated metamorphic rock.?

foliated rocks are arranged in parallel layers, or bands. Unfoliated rocks are not banded and are not put into parallel layers.

What is the difference between foliated and non-foliated?

In subject of metamorphic rocks, to be foliated is to have their grains arranged in parallel layers or bands. Non foliated is when the rocks' grains are made randomly in no arranged pattern.Reference:Prentice Hall Earth Science 2009

How do you tell between foliated and non foliated?

Well foliated rocks have layers and non foliated does not have layers.

Type of Rock forms in layers?

Sedimentary rocks, and foliated metamorphic rocks form in layers.

What is the difference between a foliated a non-foliated metamorphic rock?

The Process. Both foliated and nonfoliated rocks begin their lives as either sedimentary, igneous or another metamorphic rock. Type of Pressure. If the pressure applied to the recrystallizing rock is unequal, then a foliated rock will form.

What the difference between a foliated rock and a non-foliated rock?

The Process. Both foliated and nonfoliated rocks begin their lives as either sedimentary, igneous or another metamorphic rock. Type of Pressure. If the pressure applied to the recrystallizing rock is unequal, then a foliated rock will form.

What is the difference between foliated and non-foliated rock textures?

In subject of metamorphic rocks, to be foliated is to have their grains arranged in parallel layers or bands. Non foliated is when the rocks' grains are made randomly in no arranged pattern.Reference:Prentice Hall Earth Science 2009

Do foliated rocks have layers?

Non-foliated metamorphic rocks generally do not have distinct layering.

List examples of foliated and nonfoliated rocksexplain the difference between the two types of metamorphic rocks?

no answer here sorry.. the person that wrote this is stupid

What are the two categories of metamorphic rocks?

Metamorphic rocks can be categorized into two main categories: foliated and non-foliated. Foliated metamorphic rocks have a layered or banded appearance due to the alignment of mineral grains, while non-foliated metamorphic rocks lack this layered structure.

How are foliated metamorphic rocks different from nonfoliated metamorphic rocks?

Foliated are made of interlocking crystals, non-foliated are not.

What are non foliated rocks?

Foliation is a geologic term that is used to describe the appearance of metamorphic rocks. Foliated metamorphic rocks such as gneiss display banding and regrouping of its mineral constituents as a result of enormous pressures and heat. The banding forms perpendicularly to the direction of pressure. The pressure is usually related to tectonic plate collisions. Schist is another type of foliated rock that exhibits thin layering of micaceous minerals, once again due to pressure and heat. The difference between these two types of foliated rock lies in the rock from which they were derived. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks such as quartzite and marble do not display the banding or layering that are present in foliated rocks. This is because their parent rock was usually sedimentary and more pure in mineral composition than the parent rocks of foliated rocks.