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one is more fluffy then the other

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Osbaldo Fadel

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Q: What is the difference between stratus clouds and cumulus clouds?
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What is the difference between a cumulus and stratus clouds?

Cumulus clouds are fluffy, white clouds with distinct edges that usually indicate fair weather. Stratus clouds are low, gray clouds that form in layers and often bring overcast or drizzly conditions.

How do cumulus and stratus clouds compare?

stratus tend to be blanket clouds. Cumulus tend to resemle cotton wool.

What are the names of the 3 clouds?

The three main types of clouds are cumulus, stratus, and cirrus. Cumulus clouds are puffy and fluffy in appearance, stratus clouds are layered and cover the sky, and cirrus clouds are wispy and high in the atmosphere.

What are the 3 main types of clouds?

The three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy, stratus clouds are low and layered, and cumulus clouds are fluffy and puffy with a flat base.

Three types of clouds?

Cumulus clouds, Stratus clouds and Cirrus clouds

What is stratus cirrus and cumulus?

They are types of clouds.

What clouds are the opposite of cirrus?

There are three types of clouds; cirrus, stratus and cumulus. Cirrus clouds are curly looking while stratus clouds are flat or layered. The cumulus clouds are the largest, and most opposite to the cirrus clouds.

Can you put the clouds in lowest to highest order?

Sure! Clouds in lowest to highest order are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus clouds.

Name 8 types of clouds?

Cirrus, cumulus, stratus, nimbostratus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrostratus, and cumulonimbus are eight common types of clouds.

What are the three main clouds?

cirrus cumulus and stratus

What kind of clouds form at lower altitudes?

Cumulus clouds and stratus clouds are the main types of clouds that form at lower altitudes. Cumulus clouds are fluffy, white clouds with flat bases, while stratus clouds are layered clouds that often bring overcast skies and light precipitation.

How do cumulus clouds and stratus clouds produce rain?

touch each other