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Q: What is the difference between the UK version and the US version of The Avengers?
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What is The difference between the us and UK versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

The only difference between the us and the UK version of R.H.P.S is not much. The difference is on extra song on the UK version at the end of the movie.

What are the release dates for The Avengers - 1961 Super Secret Cypher Snatch 7-3?

The Avengers - 1961 Super Secret Cypher Snatch 7-3 was released on: USA: 30 September 1968 UK: 9 October 1968

What is the time difference between London England and Halifax Canada?

It is a four hour difference.

What are the release dates for The New Avengers - 1976 Trap 2-6?

The New Avengers - 1976 Trap 2-6 was released on: Netherlands: 29 September 1977 UK: 13 October 1977 France: 14 October 1977 USA: 2 March 1979

What are the release dates for The New Avengers - 1976 The Gladiators 2-11?

The New Avengers - 1976 The Gladiators 2-11 was released on: France: 18 November 1977 Netherlands: 5 December 1977 UK: 6 September 1978 USA: 19 January 1979

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What is The difference between the us and UK versions of The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

The only difference between the us and the UK version of R.H.P.S is not much. The difference is on extra song on the UK version at the end of the movie.

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It should be the same, as the only difference between the two version is the cover...BTW: Which book do you mean of the seven? And what language (UK/US/many others)?

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There is no time difference.

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Yeah, I bet Petz: My Puppy Family is the UK version of Petz Dogz Pack (US).

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The UK is a monarchy and the US is a republic.

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UK is one hour earlier

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Time difference between UK and Germany is one hour. In the UK it is one hour earlier than in Germany

What is the time difference between the UK and Uganda?

Uganda is 2 hours ahead of the UK.

What is the time difference between UK and Majorca?

time difference is GMT + 1 hour. if the time in the UK is 10AM in majorca it will be 11AM.

What is time difference between US and UK?

Between 5 and 8 hours

Is the iPad in England different to the US iPad?

The only difference between the US and UK iPads (See links below) will be the network to which the 3G version connects. And also I believe the keyboard is different