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Acute angles are greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

Obtuse angles are greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees

Reflex angles are greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees

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Q: What is the difference between the acute obtuse and reflex angles?
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Is The difference between a reflex angle and an obtuse angle is sometimes less than 90 degrees?

Reflex: 180 < reflex < 360, obtuse: 90 < obtuse < 180, so difference (in whole numbers) can be as little as < 1o.

How many obtuse and acute angles in a decagon?

There can be 10 obtuse angles. If there are no reflex angles there can by up to three acute angles (I think).

What types of angles are on a trapezoid?

They can be acute, right or obtuse but not reflex angles.

What type of angles exist?

They are acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles

An angle with a measure greater than 90?

Angles that measure between 90 and 180 are called obtuse angles. Those below 90 are called acute angles, and those between 180 and 360 are called reflex angles.

What is the difference between an obtuse angle and an ordinary angle?

An obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees whereas other angles are acute angle, right angle or reflex angle.

What would the range of the angles obtuse and acute be if you added them togetther?

obtuse + acute = obtuse or straight or reflex.

What are three types of angles?

The angles are, acute, obtuse, right, straight, and reflex.

What are the 5 kinds of angles?

Right, obtuse acute, reflex and scalene angles.

What are all the types of angles?

Acute, right angle, obtuse and reflex angles.

Is one hundred and eighty angle obtuse or a reflex angle?

It is neither, a 180 degree angle is a straight angle. 90 degrees is a right angle. Angles between 90 and 180 degrees are obtuse. Angles over 180 degrees are reflex.