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Ancient Hebrews practiced a patriarchal order. The "birthright" by tradition belonged to the first-born son and was a type or symbol of the relationship between God and His first-born Son. The inheritance generally included land and a larger portion of flocks and other possessions than other sons would receive.

Patriarchal prophets also gave their sons blessings to both pass along the covenants made with Abraham, as well as to provide inspired guidance with respect to their future lives and legacies. In the case of Jacob and Esau, the birthright and the blessing both passed to Jacob even though he was the younger of the twins.

The birthright passed to Jacob through the careless act of Esau. Esau was famished after being "in the field" and actually traded away his birthright for a serving of pottage that his brother had made. (Genesis 25:29-34)

The blessing was given under different circumstances. With Isaac's eyesight failing, Rebekah was determined that her more spiritual son would receive the blessing. To that end, she clothed Jacob in woolen clothing or skins to hide his "smoothness." She then helped him prepare a meal of venison - Isaac's favorite - and had him present it to Isaac. Isaac then gave the desired blessing to Jacob. When Esau returned and sought the blessing from his father, the deception was discovered. Yet, Isaac knew that the blessing had been given to the deserving individual. Esau had lived in rebellion of certain commandments, and would not have prospered under the blessing apparently intended for Jacob, who would later become Israel and the father of a great nation. (Genesis 27:1-40)

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In the historical context of Jacob and Esau, the birthright refers to the inheritance rights and privileges that the firstborn son receives, including a larger share of the family estate. The blessing, on the other hand, was a special declaration of favor and prosperity given by the father to his sons, which could include spiritual or leadership aspects. In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob deceived his father Isaac to receive both the birthright and the blessing intended for Esau.

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