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A protostar is a star that is in the early stages of formation that has not yet become a main sequence star. A white dwarf is a remnant left behind after a low to medium mass star dies.

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A protostar is a young star in the early stages of formation, where nuclear fusion has not yet begun. A white dwarf is a small, dense star that is the remnant core of a low to medium mass star after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel.

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Q: What is the difference between the protostar and the white dwarf?
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What is the differences of a protostar and a white dwarf?

A protostar is a star that is still forming and has not yet started a sustained fusion reaction. All the heat is the result of gasses being compressed. A white dwarf is the remnant of a dead star that has exhausted its fuel and is much smaller and denser than a protostar.

What is a low mass star (main sequence)?

A star with a low mass will go through these stages: 1. Protostar nebula 2. Main sequence (as a red dwarf) 3. Red giant 4. Planetary nebula 5. White dwarf (6. Black dwarf is theorized to occur after white dwarf)

What are the stages of the sun's life cycle?

The sun's life cycle includes the stages of formation, main-sequence, red giant, and white dwarf. It is currently in the main-sequence stage, where it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. Eventually, it will expand into a red giant before shedding its outer layers and becoming a white dwarf.

Describe in general the life history of a star with an average mass like the Sun?

A star like the Sun begins as a cloud of gas and dust that collapses under gravity to form a protostar. It spends most of its life on the main sequence, fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. Eventually, it will expand into a red giant, shedding its outer layers into space. Finally, it will collapse into a white dwarf, slowly cooling over billions of years.

What is the relationship between a black dwarf and a white dwarf?

A black dwarf is a theoretical end-stage of a white dwarf star in the far future, after it has cooled down and no longer emits light. White dwarfs are hot, dense remnants of low to medium mass stars at the end of their evolution.

Related questions

What is the differences of a protostar and a white dwarf?

A protostar is a star that is still forming and has not yet started a sustained fusion reaction. All the heat is the result of gasses being compressed. A white dwarf is the remnant of a dead star that has exhausted its fuel and is much smaller and denser than a protostar.

What is the difference between white dwarfs and black dwarfs?

their colour is one thing but a black dwarf originates from a white dwarf

What is the life cycle of a yellow star?

Nebula protostar mid sized star red giant nova white dwarf black dwarf:)

What is the difference between a red giant and a white dwarf?

size and color

How are stars made with fusion reaction big bang giant nebula white dwarf and protostar?

white dwarf is an age that a star reaches but the big bang is an explosion of nuclear energy that makes a star

What is a low mass star (main sequence)?

A star with a low mass will go through these stages: 1. Protostar nebula 2. Main sequence (as a red dwarf) 3. Red giant 4. Planetary nebula 5. White dwarf (6. Black dwarf is theorized to occur after white dwarf)

What difference between a white dwarf and a black hole?

A white dwarf is a white hot solid ball of nickel-iron alloy, a black hole is an infinitesimal singularity of infinite density surrounded by total emptiness.

Why is the time from protostar to black hole shorter than the time from protostar to white dwarf?

The mass of the progenitor star has to be massive to form a black hole and thus it will have a shorter time on the main sequence compared to a medium sized star.

What are the stages of the sun's life cycle?

The sun's life cycle includes the stages of formation, main-sequence, red giant, and white dwarf. It is currently in the main-sequence stage, where it fuses hydrogen into helium in its core. Eventually, it will expand into a red giant before shedding its outer layers and becoming a white dwarf.

What are the seven step in the cycle of a star?

Stars have several cycles in their lifespan. The seven cycles of a star like our sun are Stellar Nebula, Protostar, Main sequence star, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf, and Black Dwarf.

What are the stages of the stars life?

Nebula- protostar- Main Sequence Main Sequence- Red Giant- planetary nubula- white dwarf- black dwarf Main Sequence- Red Supergiant- supernova explosion- Nuetron star or a black hole

What are the stages of a stars life?

nebula then protosar then red dwarf, yellow star or a blue giant then a red giant then a red super giant then eithr a white dwarf or a supernova from the supernova a black hole or a neutron star if it is a white dwarf it turns into a black dwarf then a black holeNebulaBaby starStarGiant or supergiantWhite dwarfBlack dwarf