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Q: What is the difference between the role of the government and the role of the consumers?
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Governments make laws and restrictions to protect them.

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The Kenyan government plays a significant role in business by creating policies and regulations, providing infrastructure and support services, promoting investment, and ensuring fair competition. The government also enforces laws to protect consumers, workers, and the environment, and provides incentives to encourage entrepreneurship and economic growth.

You live in an economy with a circular flow of influences and inputs between producers and consumers What kind of economy do you live in?

A. Free market

Based on the reading Upton Sinclair would most likely agree that the government must have a role in?

protecting consumers and workers

What is the key role in a free enterprise economy?

There is no one key role; a functional free enterprise economy depends on business owners, workers and consumers having equal power, and on government regulation.

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How did the role of US federal government evolved during the 20th century? mainly the role of government in the everyday lives of Americans, and the changes between liberty and power.

In its direct role as an economic organization American government?

owns and manages public utilitiesCooperatives can be organized to help consumers, provide services, or help producers.

What was a major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill?

One major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill was their views on individual rights and the role of government intervention. While Bentham focused on maximizing happiness through utilitarian principles and believed in a strong government role in regulating society, Mill emphasized individual liberties and freedoms, advocating for limited government intervention and promoting the idea of personal autonomy.

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A role can change much more frequently based on the situation or people involved.

In the game of economics workers play a double role functioning as both consumers and?

In the game of Economics, workers play a double role, functioning as both consumers and producersConsumers and producers