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A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes generate very powerful winds that can badly damage or destroy buildings. The main hazard in a tornado is flying debris.

Lightning is a massive discharge of static electricity that occurs during a thunderstorm. Most of the time lightning travels within a cloud or between clouds, but it can strike the ground. The main hazard from lightning is electrocution, though it can also start fires.

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Q: What is the difference between tornadoes and lightning?
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Why do tornadoes have lightning in them?

Lightning occurs within tornadoes due to intense convective forces and the separation of electrical charges within the storm. As air rises rapidly inside the tornado, friction between particles can create and build up static electricity, leading to lightning discharges.

How are tornadoes and lightning related?

Tornadoes and lightning are often associated with severe thunderstorms. Lightning can occur before, during, or after a tornado is formed. Tornadoes can form within severe thunderstorms where there is intense updraft and rotation in the atmosphere, which can be fueled by lightning activity.

Do tornadoes cause lightning?

No. Since tornadoes form in thunderstorms they are usually accompanied by lightning, but they do not actually cause lightning.

What tornadoes cause lightning?

Tornadoes do not cause lighting. However tornadoes form during thunderstorms, so they are often accompanied by lightning.

What is the difference between sheet lightning and a lightning bolt?

the sheet lightning is more mild then the ball lightning

Do people die more from lightning or tornadoes?

On average tornadoes kill more people than lightning

What can cause lightning?

Lightning is caused by the buildup of electrical charges in the atmosphere, typically during thunderstorms. When the charge difference between the clouds and the ground or between different parts of the cloud becomes large enough, it can result in a sudden discharge of electricity in the form of a lightning bolt.

What is the difference between heat lightning and regular lightning?

Heat lightning is a term used to describe lightning that can be seen from a distance without hearing thunder. It is usually from a distant storm and is not directly associated with the thunderstorm you are observing. Regular lightning produces thunder because it is closer to you, and the sound of thunder travels slower than light, causing a delay between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder.

How are tornadoes and lighting related?

Both tornadoes and lightning are produced by thunderstorms.

Is there lightning in tornadoes?

Yes, lightning can occur in tornadoes, although it is not as common as in regular thunderstorms. The intense updrafts and downdrafts within a tornado can create the necessary conditions for lightning to form.

How dangerous are Lightning Tornadoes?

There is no such thing as a lightning tornado. Lightning and tornadoes are two different phenomena. They are both very dangerous, though, each claiming dozens of lives every year.