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Plasmolysis is when a cell shrinks due to water living. Plasmoptysis is the bursting fourth of protoplasm from a cell, through rupture of the cell wall.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Turgor pressure is the outward pressure that occurs in a plant cell when the cytoplasm and vacuoles fill up with water and the cell membrane pushes against the cell wall.


The pressure exerted by water inside the cell against the cell wall.

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13y ago

Plant cells in a more hypotonic solution will absorb water by endosmosis. The increased volume of water in the cell will increase pressure, making the protoplasm push against the cell wall, a condition known as turgor

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10y ago

Plasmoptysis is rupturing the cell membrane of animal (NO cell wall!) cell in hypotonic environment

Plasmolysis is shrinking the cell membrane of animal/fungi cell (WITH cell wall) in hypertonic environment

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9y ago

Plasmolysis is when a cell loses water through osmosis to a hypertonic solution, resulting in a shriveled cell. Turgor pressure in plant cells represents the opposite event, where a hypertonic cell absorbs water through osmosis leading to swelling and pressure build up within the rigid plant cell wall.

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11y ago

The shrinkage of the protoplast by ex-osmosis of the water is called plasmolysis while recovery of plasmolyzed cell to its normal condition is known as deplasmolysis.

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13y ago

Plasmolysis is a negative turgor. Turgot pressure is the stiffness of the cell wall.

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11y ago

plasmolysis involves the separation of plant cytoplasm while haemolysis involves breakin open of red blood cells

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11y ago

Plasmolysis makes the cell flacid and endo-osmosis makes it turgid. Thus, these two terms turgidity and plasmolysis are opposite to each other.

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11y ago

i really dont know! sorry!

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What is the different between turgor pressure and diffusion?

The difference of turgor pressure and diffusion is that turgor pressure is an osmotic pressure exerted by the contents of a plant cell against its cell wall; while diffusion is a movement of molecules from an area higher concentration to an area lower concentration.

The pressure that is exerted on the inside of cell walls and that is caused by the movement of water into the cell?

Osmotic pressure across the cell wall, here called Turgor Pressure.

Does turgor pressure in a hypertonic solution increase or decrease?

more solutes = less osmotic pressure = decreased turgor pressure

What is The pressure exerted against the cell membrane and cell wall known as?

hydrostatic pressure or turgor (same thing)

Turgor pressure occurs in what kind of solution?

Turgor pressure is usually calculated as the difference between water potential and osmotic potential. In herbaceous plants turgor pressure is almost solely responsible for maintaining an erect habit. Wilting of leaves is due to loss of turgor in the leaf.

The pressure that builds in a plant cell as a result of osmosis is called?

The pressure that builds in a plant cell as a result of osmosis is called turgor pressure.

What is osmotic influx of water?

entry of water that causes turgor pressure in vacuoles of plants

How does water get to the leaves in the top trees against the force of gravityname the property responsible for this and explain how it works?

Actually is by the help of the physical principle and property called "Turgor pressure.

The pressure inside a plant cell caused by water pushing against the cell wall?

This is called turgor pressure.

Wilting is counteracted by?

Turgor Pressure

What is it called when animal cells burst?

When animal cells burst it's called lysis.

What is the force that causes turgor pressure?

The force that causes turgor pressure is osmosis.