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Q: What is the difference between white clouds and gray clouds?
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Is there a difference between gray and white PVC piping and fittings?

The only difference between gray and white PVC piping is in the color. They're both PVC.

Is a horse white when it is gray?

He may look white, but there is a difference between white and grey.

Are clouds black or white?

White. But gray sometime when raining

What is the difference between a white wizard and a grey wizard?

ones white and the others are gray

Are cumulonimbus clouds white or gray?

When viewed from the side cumulonimbus clouds are white, but from below they are gray or even black. Some can take on a bluish or greenish hue.

What is the difference between a white horse and gray?

White horse requires more maintenance, while gray horse is easy to maintain

Is it true that clusters of water cause clouds to be white?

no. water causes clouds to be gray

What is the difference between a rain cloud and a normal cloud?

All clouds have the potential to be rain clouds. It just depends on how much water vapor is in them. Once the water vapor in a cloud cools or becomes too heavy, it rains. Clouds with lots of water are generally dark gray as opposed to white clouds with less water.

What makes clouds turn gray?

The thickness and height of the clouds causes them to turn gray. Other clouds appear white because they are thinner and let light through.

Why are clouds gray on the bottom and white on the top?

Clouds are only gray on bottom when they are ready to let go of all of the moisture and pollution in them. which means they are gray when it is going to rain.

Why do clouds look white or gray all the time?


What colors are tornado clouds?

The funnel clouds of a tornado often range from white to gray to black.