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Ultramafic rocks like peridotite and dunite, are igneous rocks that have a very low silica content and very high levels of iron and magnesium. They are therefore more dense than most igneous rock and are found at great depth but appearing on the surface due to volcanic eruption.

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7y ago

Ultramafic rock forms when rock of a very low silica content, even lower than that of mafic rock, solidifies. Simply by its composition, most of Earth's mass is ultramafic rock. Because of its high density, though, nearly all of the ultramafic rock is in the mantle and little of it is present in the crust. There are several possible reasons ultramafic rock may be found at the surface:

  1. Ancient lava: During the Precambrian time, when Earth's interior was hotter than it is now, some volcanoes would erupt ultramafic lava.
  2. Fractional crystallization: When magma cools underground underground the more mafic components often crystallize first as they have higher melting temperatures than more felsic material. In some mafic intrusions, ultramafic minerals may crystallize and sink to the bottom. Uplift and erosion can then expose the rock after it has cooled.
  3. Mantle xenoliths: Sometimes magma will break off and carry away fragments of the surrounding rock. Such rock fragments are called xenoliths. Fragments of the ultramafic rock peridotite have been found in basalt and scoria.
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9y ago

Ultramafic rocks are denser than mafic rocks, and contain less silica and more iron and magnesium. They have a higher melting point as well.

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13y ago

Olivine rocks, (mesospheric rocks).

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7y ago

Yes. The mantle is ultramafic.

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No. Mafic, felsic, and related terms apply to silicate igneous rocks. Marble is composed of carbonates, so such terms do not apply.

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Peridot is gem quality olivine. Olivine is a mineral, not a rock. It is found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks.

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