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The energy of the sun comes from nuclear fusion occurring in the sun's core.

The moon does not have an internal energy source. What little energy falls on it comes from the sun.

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Q: What is the different energy source between the sun and the moon?
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Is the moon a source of solar energy?

No, it is not source of any energy as it is a planet not a star.

What is the source of energy causing the wave?

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What is the Moon's source of heat energy?

The sun!

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When hear energy is converted to loght energy it is called hot source of light (sun light). when light source is produced from (generally reflected light, moon light) a cooler object.

Is moons gravitational pull renewable?

The moon's gravitational pull is the source of a renewable energy source. The moon controls the tides, that is where we get tidal energy. We often convert this into electricity.

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Does the moon have gravitational potential energy?

The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.

Is the moon the chief source of radiant energy?

No. The light we receive from the moon is reflected energy from the sun. The moon has very little radiant energy. All bodies above absolute zero radiate some energy, in the case of the moon it is a very small amount.

Why is the moon described as a mirror not a light source?

The Moon reflects the Sun's light, it has no energy of its own to create light.

What naturally occurring source of energy are we not yet able to harness and use?

Electricity is the naturally occurring source of energy that we are yet not able to harness and use.

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How does the distance between a light source and an object affect its shadow?

the moon