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The acceleration vector in a uniform circular motion is towards the center.

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2mo ago

The acceleration vector of a person on spinning Earth points towards the center of Earth due to gravity. Additionally, this acceleration vector is perpendicular to the direction of the person's velocity as they move along Earth's surface.

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Is the acceleration of a rocket a vector or scalar?

It is a vector. A scalar has only magnitude. A vector has magnitude and direction.Acceleration is a vector because it has magnitude and direction. That's why an object can be said to be accelerating if it has a circular rotation and a constant speed; even though it's speed isn't changing, it's direction constantly is. Displacement (s), velocity (v), and acceleration (a), are vectors because they have both magntude and direction.

Is acceleration a quantity of vector?

yes, Acceleration is vector quatity!!. Its has both magnitude and direction

Is vector quantity acceleration?

no, acceleration is not a vector quantity. its false

Is acceleration a vector or a scalar?

Acceleration is a vector quantity because it has magnitude (amount of change in velocity) and direction.

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Because it is changing direction

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Vector Acceleration.

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Angular acceleration is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude (rate of change of angular velocity) and direction in rotational motion. The direction of angular acceleration aligns with the axis of rotation it is acting upon.

Is decelaration a scalar or vector?

Acceleration is a vector quantity, as it has both magnitude and direction.

Why is Acceleration vector quantity?

That simply means that the direction of the acceleration is relevant. For example, if something is moving in the "forward" direction, it isn't the same if we accelerate it forward, backward, or sideways. The results are different.Also, acceleration is calculated as dv/dt, meaning you divide a velocity difference by a time. Since velocity is itself a vector, acceleration is also a vector.

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What is acceleration since it has magnitude and direction?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. It is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude (how fast the velocity is changing) and direction (the direction in which the velocity is changing).