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Q: What is the direction of water movement?
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What is the direction of water movement in a cylinder of potato tissue in distilled water?

In a cylinder of potato tissue placed in distilled water, the direction of water movement will be from the external solution (distilled water) into the potato tissue due to osmosis. This is because the potato cells have a higher solute concentration compared to the external solution, resulting in water moving into the cells to equalize the concentration gradient.

What is the direction of the water movement of animal cell?

Osmosis the the movement of water from where it is higher concentration to where it is in lower concentration.

The amount and direction of movement of water in plants can always be predicted by measuring WHAT?

water potential

The direction of water movement between fluid compartments is determined by?

electrical gradients

What isOne difference bewtween the direction of movement of water in plants and the direction of movement of blood in human body?

I don't know u are trolled! Jk I did not know who did this. Don't report me :(

Does the sink spiral clockwise or counterwise?

It depends on the movement of the water preceding the removal of the plug. Put some dish washing liquid in the water and make enough suds to be able to observe the spiral direction, you will see that you can change the direction by manipulating the movement of the water

In which direction does friction act compared o the direction of movement?

In the same direction as the movement

How are sound waves and electromagnetic waves different from one another?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves I.E the direction of movement of each particle in the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the transfer of energy, similar to a water wave. Sound waves are transverse and so the direction of the movement of the particles in the medium is the same direction as the movement of the energy.

Does air movement or wind direction affect how quickly water evaporates or condenses?

Yes, it is correct.

What is the difference between the direction of movement of water in plants and dierction of movement of blood in the human body?

the direction of movement of water in plants moves only in one direction which is upwards while the other is two directions , up and downwards. ------- Water moves only in one direction from roots to stems and then leaves in plants but blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart before being pumped to the other parts of body./ Blood passes the heart twice, but only once in plants.

What is the direction of net osmosis?

Osmosis is the passage of water from the region of high water concentration through a semi permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. The direction of movement is from area of higher water concentration to area of lower water concentration.

In which direction does osmosis occur?

Osmois is the continual movement of water from a higher solution of water content through a semipermeable membrane into a solution of lower water content. Therefore, ososis occurs in a downward direction from higher to lower water content.