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Q: What is the disease originating in the arteries surrounding the heart?
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Disease of the arteries surrounding the heart?

Coronary heart disease, cad

Disease of the arteries surrounding the heart is called?

Coronary artery disease

What is the relationship between ed and heart disease?

Heart disease atheroscerosis is narrowing of the arteries.

What are the diseases that the heart would have?

The disease that is best known for affecting the heart is simply called heart disease. Heart disease is caused by a blockage in the arteries, which can often lead to a heart attack.

What heart disease is the result of reduced blood flow to the heart caused by the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries.?

Coronary Heart disease caused by atherosclerosis or the build-up of plaque on the inner walls of the arteries.

What heart disease is the result of reduced blood flow to the heart caused by the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries?

Heart disease typically does not cause fatty deposits in the arteries. Rather the process is the other way around: an unhealthy diet high in fat and cholesterol causes a build up of fatty deposits, and these deposits lead to heart diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease.

What is the worst fat you can get?

fat from meat it can stick to your arteries and to your heart and give you heart disease which kills you

What is coronary occlusive artery disease?

Coronary occlusive artery disease-- Blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the heart; frequently a precursor to a heart attack.

What is diagnosis of coronary artery disease?

The coronary arteries bring nutrients and oxygen to the heart. They actually are so important that they take blood to the muscles of the heart before the rest of the body. A person with a disease of these arteries has less oxygen going to the heart muscles and an increased risk of heart damage or a heart attack.

What are the negative affects of clogged arteries?

The negative affects of clogged arteries include coronary artery disease, carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

What type of heart failure is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscles?

That would probably be coronary heart disease. Seeing as though the arteries that feed the heart muscle/the myocardium, with blood are called the coronary arteries.

Common Causes of Heart Disease?

Doctors and scientists have identified behaviors that contribute to heart disease. Common causes of heart disease include smoking. Smoking affects the heart and lung and makes it difficult for these organs to oxygenate the body. Eating fatty foods clogs the heart's arteries and also contributes to heart disease. People with clogged arteries must undergo surgery to remove the plaque build up around the heart. Being inactive also contributes to heart disease and comprises cardiac health.