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Eris has an average distance from the Sun of about 6290 million miles.

The distance to Earth will obviously vary a bit as Earth orbits the Sun, but

it will not make much difference. However, the orbit has a high "eccentricity".

This means the distance from the Sun varies a lot, the orbit is a long

way from being circular. So that "average distance "is only a guide.

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11y ago
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14y ago

The mean radius would be about 476 kilometers (295 miles).

The dwarf planet Ceres (the largest object in the Asteroid Belt) has a polar radius of 455 kilometers (283 miles) and an equatorial radius of 487 kilometers (303 miles).

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8y ago

Eris varies in distance from the sun between 14.6 and 5.7 billion kilometers.

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12y ago

The circumference of Eris is 27% bigger than Pluto's!

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11y ago

The semimajor axis of the orbit of Eris is about 1.017 x 1010 km.

That's the average distance of Eris from the Sun.

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15y ago

About 2600 km.

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12y ago

the circumference of eris is 27122.2 km

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How far is eries from earth?

96 AU's. An AU is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. So 96 distances from Earth to sun is Eris from Earth

What is Eris's distance from the earth?

Eris has an average distance from the Sun of about 6290 million miles. The distance to Earth will obviously vary a bit as Earth orbits the Sun, but it will not make much difference. However, the orbit has a high "eccentricity". This means the distance from the Sun varies a lot, the orbit is a long way from being circular. So that "average distance "is only a guide.

What is Eris distance from the earth?

Eris has an average distance from the Sun of about 6290 million miles. The distance to Earth will obviously vary a bit as Earth orbits the Sun, but it will not make much difference. However, the orbit has a high "eccentricity". This means the distance from the Sun varies a lot, the orbit is a long way from being circular. So that "average distance "is only a guide.

How far from the sun does it take Eris to orbit?

Eris is 97 astronomical units away from the sun. ( an astronomical unit is the average distance between Earth and the Sun)

Is Eris bigger than earth?

No, Earth is larger than Eris. Earth has a diameter of about 12,742 kilometers, while Eris has a diameter of about 2,326 kilometers.

How many light years is it from Earth to Eris?

Eris is far less than a light year away. Eris varies in distance between 99 and 37 astronomical units away, which works out to 0.00059 and .00156 light years.

What is erises distance from the sun?

The distance of Eris from the Sun varies between approximately 38 and 98 astronomical units, i.e. between 38 and 98 times Earth's distance from the Sun.

Is Eris larger or smaller than Earth?

Eris is not a planet; it is a dwarf planet. It is much smaller than Earth.

How long is an Eris day and year?

It is estimated a Eris day is 26 Earth hoursA year on Eris is estimated to be 557 Earth Years

If you were 11 on earth how old would you be if you were on the dwarf planet Eris?

Since a year on dwarf planet Eris is about 557 Earth years, if you were 11 years old on Earth, you would be about 0.02 years old on Eris.

What is Eris's distance from Pluto?

It varies greatly.

Is there livespn on Eris?

no lifes in Eris planets, but maybe in far future when the Eris planet will be closer near to sun as earth