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Q: What is the dosage of penicillin g procaine injection for human?
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Can horses have human penicillin?

Procaine Penicillin, Amoxicillin etc. Can be used on horses.

Has penicillin changed over the years?

Penicillin has not changed over the years from it's invention in 1928. You have developed some derivatives of penicillin, discovered for more than half century ago. You have penicillin V, injection procaine penicillin, injection benzathine penicillin. Then you have semisynthetic penicillins like ampicillin and amoxicillin. Then you have carboxypenicillins like carbenicillin and ureidipenicillins like piperacillin.

How much penicillin do you give a 350 lb horse for a cold?

You should not give horses Penicillin for a cold, as a cold is caused by a virus and Penicillin is an Antibiotic and is not designed to treat a cold. You must let the cold run it's course, just like in a human.

Can you give puppy penicillin for small wound?

not human penicilin because it is dangerous

Can you give a cat penicillin for a respiratory infection?

You are far better advised to visit the vet and get a prescription that is made for cats. Feline metabolism is different enough from human that drugs that are harmless to humans will kill cats; plus the necessary dosage is very different, even for those drugs that are used for cats. Typically, your vet will prescribe Clavamox, which contains amoxycillin, a member of the penicillin family which is still somewhat effective.

Can a human take 250mg penicillin manufactured by Eaton Veterinary Laboratories?

im saying... no

Does penicillin capsules work for human infections?

Penicillin is not a broad spectrum antibiotic like chloramphenicol or the tetracycline. In fact the penicillin is a narrow spectrum antibiotic. It kills the gram positive and gram negative cocci and gram positive bacilli only. Now a days many bacteria has become resistant to penicillin.

What will cause a faulty urine test for cocain?

diabetes liverdisease kidney didease amaoxicilllan tonic water lab error human error switched urine bad luck procaine, novacaine

Can cats take penicillin G?

Yes, cats can be treated with penicillin as well as penicillin-class drugs provided the medication has been prescribed for the cat by a veterinarian after an examination and diagnosis of infection. Giving a cat the wrong dose of penicillin, or giving it penicillin when it doesn't have an infection or the infection is not susceptible to penicillin, can cause severe medical problems.

Can a human take thyroxine for animals if Im out of levothyroxine?

Why not? Make sure dosage is correct though.

Can a dog take human meclizine for vertigo?

Please check with your vet for dosage on any medication

Why doesn't penicillin kill humans?

The penicillin kills bacteria by interfering with repairs to the bacterial cell wall. Human cells don't have a cell wall, and don't use the same enzymes that make the bacteria vulnerable.