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the pigs that are educated get control over the other animals because they are smarter than all the other animals and that's what separates the pigs from all the other animals. Ignorance is what keep the animals following under Napoleon's leadership instead of questioning why they have to work harder than they previously did under their original owner Mr. Jones.

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Some animals learn how to read and write; the pigs are the most literate. The rest of the animals are either less literate than the pigs or are struggling to read the alphabet. They took the books that were in the farmhouse and studied from them.

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Q: What is the role of education and its opposite ignorance in Animal Farm?
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What is the significance of education on Animal Farm after the rebellion?

It is significant

What message does the author want the reader of animal farm to learn about education?

The author wants readers of Animal Farm to understand the power of education in shaping beliefs and ideologies. Through the characters in the novel, Orwell highlights how education can be used to manipulate and control others, as seen with the pigs using their knowledge to maintain control over the other animals. Ultimately, the message is one of caution and the need for a critical and independent mindset when it comes to learning.

How did the education contribute to the ideology of animalism in the novel animal farm?

In the novel "Animal Farm," education played a pivotal role in shaping the ideology of Animalism. The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon, took it upon themselves to educate the other animals about the principles of Animalism. This allowed the pigs to establish themselves as the intellectual elite, creating a power dynamic that enabled them to manipulate and control the other animals. Through education, the pigs were able to instill their ideologies and beliefs in the other animals, solidifying their authority over the farm.

Who taught the animals to read Animal farm?

The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon, taught the other animals to read and write in "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. They believed that education was essential in achieving their goal of a successful animal-led society.

What human in Animal Farm is corrupt?

Napoleon, the pig leader, is the most corrupt human-like character in "Animal Farm." He manipulates the other animals for his own gain, betraying the principles of the original rebellion against the humans to establish himself as a tyrannical leader. His actions demonstrate the corrupting influence of power.

Who was the first animal that died on Animal Farm?

The first animal to die on the farm (while it's still known as "Manor Farm") is Old Major. The first animal to die after the farm was renamed "Animal Farm" is a sheep in the Battle of the Cowshed.

What is a good farm animal on Webkinz?

Well i wouldn't GET a FARM ANIMAL but if i did i would get the cow. they r the best farm animal. =)

When was Benjamin - Animal Farm - created?

Benjamin - Animal Farm - was created in 1945.

In Animal Farm who is the muscle of the corps?

The muscle in Animal Farm is Boxer.

What is the name of the farm at the end of Animal Farm?

After first being named Manor Farm, then Animal Farm, the farm eventually ends up being named The Manor Farm.

When was Pilkington - Animal Farm - created?

Pilkington - Animal Farm - was created in 1945.

When was Animal Farm created?

Animal Farm was created on 1945-08-17.