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An electric field applied to a dielectric material causes the material's dipoles to align with the field, inducing polarization. This polarization reduces the overall electric field inside the material, making it an insulator. This effect increases the capacitance of capacitors and reduces the field strength in electrical systems.

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Q: What is the effect of electric field on dielectric material?
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What is the effect on the electrostatic force in the presence of dielectric?

The presence of a dielectric material between two charged objects reduces the electrostatic force between them. This is because the dielectric material polarizes in response to the external electric field, creating an opposing electric field that weakens the net field between the objects. This effectively reduces the electrostatic force, making it weaker than if the dielectric material was not present.

Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external electric field?

The net electric field inside a dielectric decreases due to polarization. The external electric field polarizes the dielectric and an electric field is produced due to this polarization. This internal electric field will be opposite to the external electric field and therefore the net electric field inside the dielectric will be less.

What is linear dielectric material?

A linear dielectric material is a material that exhibits a linear relationship between the applied electric field and the resulting electric displacement within the material. This means that the material's response to the electric field is proportional and follows simple additive principles.

What is Dielectric field?

A dielectric field is a region around a charged object or between two oppositely charged objects where the electric field affects the alignment of electric dipoles within a dielectric material. Dielectrics are non-conducting materials that can store and transmit electric energy. The presence of the dielectric field can alter the overall electric field distribution in the space.

Why is air a dielectric material?

Air is a dielectric material because it contains molecules that can be polarized when placed in an electric field, allowing it to store electric charge and exhibit insulating properties. This property of air as a dielectric material is vital in various electrical and electronic applications.

Related questions

What is the effect on the electrostatic force in the presence of dielectric?

The presence of a dielectric material between two charged objects reduces the electrostatic force between them. This is because the dielectric material polarizes in response to the external electric field, creating an opposing electric field that weakens the net field between the objects. This effectively reduces the electrostatic force, making it weaker than if the dielectric material was not present.

Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external electric field?

The net electric field inside a dielectric decreases due to polarization. The external electric field polarizes the dielectric and an electric field is produced due to this polarization. This internal electric field will be opposite to the external electric field and therefore the net electric field inside the dielectric will be less.

What is linear dielectric material?

A linear dielectric material is a material that exhibits a linear relationship between the applied electric field and the resulting electric displacement within the material. This means that the material's response to the electric field is proportional and follows simple additive principles.

What is Dielectric field?

A dielectric field is a region around a charged object or between two oppositely charged objects where the electric field affects the alignment of electric dipoles within a dielectric material. Dielectrics are non-conducting materials that can store and transmit electric energy. The presence of the dielectric field can alter the overall electric field distribution in the space.

What is the definition of the term dielectric?

'Dielectric' is often used in a general sense to refer to a material (such as ceramic, mica, plastic or paper) which is a poor conductor of electricity. This term is used in the classical description of a capacitor -- two electric conductors separated by a dielectric. By applying electric charge to one conductor an electric field is created. The dielectric allows the electric field to pass through it and affect the other conductors; however the dielectric prevents electrons from flowing between the conductors, so the electric field remains (and the charge remains stored on the conductor). [Side note for beginners: An electric field creates a force (measured in Volts) upon an electron or charged particle which tends to make it move. The conductor allows electrons to move easily within it. The dielectric resists the movement of electrons in it.] More generally, we speak of a 'Dielectric Field' as a mathematic description of how electric charge influences the properties of the space around it. The Dielectric field interacts with space and with any material in the space to create an 'Electric Field'. In simple terms, the electric field at any point is the product of the dielectric field at that point and the 'Dielectric Constant' of the material at that point. In more general terms, the 'electric field vector' at a point is the tensor product of the 'dielectric field vector' and the 'dielectric tensor' of the material at that point. The dielectric field is not a measurable entity, but rather a mathematical tool that allows us accurately to model the electric field, which is measurable. The article on Dielectrics at provides more description, especially on the dielectric field model.

Why is air a dielectric material?

Air is a dielectric material because it contains molecules that can be polarized when placed in an electric field, allowing it to store electric charge and exhibit insulating properties. This property of air as a dielectric material is vital in various electrical and electronic applications.

What will happen to the electric field when a dielectric is placed?

The electric field is weakened when a dielectric is inserted.

What is dielectric constant in chemical terms?

The dielectric constant is a measure of a material's ability to store electrical energy in an electric field. In chemical terms, it reflects the ability of a substance to polarize in response to an applied electric field, affecting the material's ability to conduct electricity. Materials with higher dielectric constants are better insulators.

What is dielectric material?

A dielectric material is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. It does not conduct electricity, but it can store electric energy as a result of its polarization. Dielectric materials are commonly used in capacitors to store and release electrical energy.

What is dielectric strength?

Dielectric strength is a measure of the ability of an insulating material to withstand electric field stress without breaking down or becoming conductive. It is typically measured in volts per unit thickness of the material. A higher dielectric strength indicates a better insulating material.

What is the effect of inserting a dielectric other than air or vacuum between the plates of a capacitors?

Inserting a dielectric material between the plates of a capacitor increases the capacitance of the capacitor. The dielectric reduces the electric field between the plates and allows for more charge to be stored. This results in an increase in the amount of electric potential energy that can be stored in the capacitor.

What is the unit of dielectric strength?

In SI, the unit of dielectric strength is volts per meter (V/m). In U.S. customary units, dielectric strength is often specified in volts per mil.In physics, dielectric strength 2 meanings:Of an insulating material, the maximum electric field that a pure material can withstand under ideal conditions without breaking down.For a specific configuration of dielectric material and electrodes, the minimum applied electric field that results in breakdown.