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effect of temperature on elasticity

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Q: What is the effect of temperature on elasticity?
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Does temperature affect the elasticity of an object?

As temperature decreases, elasticity also decreases.

Do cold effect elasticity of a rubberband?

Yes, temperature effects elasticity. At a constant temperature, and for elongations not too large, a rubber band obeys Hooke's Law. Means the temperature must be elastic will show more elasticity in cold & lesser in summer relatively. Heating the rubber molecules make them move around more. They become less aligned as a result and the rubber band SHRINKS. so finally it can be told that temperature matters in term of elasticity.

How does temperature affect the elasticity of fabric?

a higher temperature increases elasticity to fabric as temperature breaks bonds between molecules of the fabric

Is there any effect of temperature on young's modulus of a meterial?

As the Young's modulus is a measure of stiffness, an increase in the temperature will typically lead to a decrease in the modulus of elasticity. However it depends on the material.

Why elastisity decreses with temperature?

A material's elasticity is related to how is easy it is for its molecules to move around. The easier it is for them to move, the more elasticity you get. As temperature decreases, molecules move around less. Therefore, as temperature decreases, elasticity decreases.

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What is the independent variable on Does the elasticity of rubber change with temperature?

temperature(it is whats changed on purpose)

Does humidity affect the strength of rubber bands?

Humidity really has no effect on the strength of rubber bands, but temperature does. Heat and cold affects the structure, strength, and elasticity of rubber bands.

Does temperature affect the elasticity of a gummy worm?

Yes it does affect it

How elasticity of a medium affects the speed at which sound travels?

by causeing larger sound waves through objects

What effect temperature?

effect of temperature

What is the effect of the elasticity of the arterie on arterial blood?

The elasticity enables the arteries to change their diameter. Smaller means more pressure, larger means lower pressure.