Zack Snyder married to Deborah Snyder in 2004
Keli Snyder's birth name is Keli Lyn Snyder.
Dylan Riley Snyder's birth name is Dylan Riley Jacob Snyder.
Yes, Zack Snyder has 8 kids.
Zack Snyder goes by The Wizard.
What is the Elevation of San Antonio TX
If driving, it is 96.5 miles.
It is 81.6 miles according to Google Maps.
average elevation is 2933ft.
The elevation of Odessa, TX is approximately 2,900 feet above sea level.
About 200 miles, or 2 1/2 hours.
It is 71.4 miles according to Google Maps.
Going via Sweetwater, Abilene, Comanche, and Temple, your halfway point between Snyder and Caldwell, Texas, is on TX-36 just west of Comanche, Texas.
It is now located on 1902 37th Street Snyder, TX
Chris Snyder was born February 12, 1981, in Houston, TX, USA.
Frank Snyder died January 5, 1962, in San Antonio, TX, USA.
Abilene, Tx - The Whitten Inn Breckenridge, Tx - The Ridge Motel Santa Ana, Tx - The Texan Snyder, Tx - The Purple Sage